Inside the enemys lair

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My name is Eirim Castra 

I am 18 years old

I WAS wanted by the king 

But now i am his captive 

I am the last rouge magician 

I WAS the last free magician 

I am still the violinist 

But i no longer know what im fighting for 

What was real, and what was not real? I didnt really know anymore.                                                            

'' Just a nightmare'' i whispered to myself in the darkness. The last days i had been troubled by nightmares, watching again and again my last memories of my parents.. the day they died. I didnt know what had triggered it. But i knew that i never had nightmares BEFORE i was taken into custody.

Last days trip outside seemed to have helped but i still felt that something was not right. I sighed and jumped out of the bed. Today was the day.

I was starting with classes on the magicians guild.

The weird thing was.... i was both excited and terrified. I had never gone to a proper school, my parents barly had enough money to pay for me being homeschooled and a school of magic? Forget it. 

I looked out at the small courtyard and snorted, the students were already entering the castle. I turned around and grabbed the schools uniform that had been found for me. It was quite simple; dark green colours, with the schools mark on the front. But mine was different than the other students: first i noticed a golden thread swirling around the edge, swirling together forming a pair of eagle wings with a crown in the middle on the front of the robes.                                                                 '' Probarly to warn them that im under the kings protection'' i thought and smiled weakly. Then i noticed the purple pattern that swirled aorund one of the arms of the uniform. Swirling together the pattern formed the symbol of my family: the 3 stars. I smiled. The purple thread was the color of the rouge magicians.                                                                                                                                                     '' They dont want to hide me.... they want everyone to know who i am'' i realised and this time i couldnt help myself: i let out a small laugh and quickly dressed. ust as i looked at myself in the mirror i heard a knock on the door. 

'' Enter!'' i shouted and grabbed the notebook that had been brought up to me. I turned towards the door and smiled at the familiar face of Armin. He looked me up and down and smiled weakly.            '' So they dont want to hide your identity i guess...'' he said and pointed at my sleeve. I smiled weakly and nodded.                                                                                                                                                             '' I guess the cats out of the bag....'' i whispered and followed Armin through the door through a maze of stairs and hallways until we finally came to a big double door with red swirling patterns forming the schools mark in the middle. Two guards standing beside the door carefully pushed it open, revealing a whole new part of the castle with bright tapestries and carpets at the floor. And it was full of life: students, both young and old where running around as crazy. 

'' This place is weird'' i said and huffed. At that remark, Armin turned around, his face all red and crossed his arms while looking at me.                                                                                                               '' Dont talk like that, young lady! You are lucky that you even get to set your foots inside theese hallways!'' Armin shouted at me, i snorted and blocked his voice out while he continued to blabber on about how hard it was to get me in here and bla bla bla....                                                                       '' Miss Castra?'' a voice suddently asked. I looked around and eventually found the source of the voice: A tall, (quite handsome), brown haired boy was standing right behind me watching. I turned around carefully and nodded. He smiled and bowed before me.                                                                 '' My name is David, i am the head of the student council and have been asked by the head master to show you around'' he said smiling again, showing of his chalk white teeths. I smiled and looked away for a moment, then i nodded to myself and without thinking i met his gaze steadily and said:     '' When is the first class?'' He looked at me surprised for a moment, then he just smiled and waved at Armin who nodded and walked away. 

'' Now then... you are quite lucky, you are going to be in my class! Which is the best class at the whole school'' he said suddently and pointing towards the stairs in the middle of the hallway and started walking. I sighed and ran to catch up.                                                                                                     '' Why do they put me in their best class when i have no clue on how you people do things here!'' i shouted at him. He stopped and turned towards me, grinning.                                                                     '' And that comes from the girl who is known throughout the whole country because of her magic! You are famous Castra! Or should i say the violinist? Thats what you are called right?'' he said curious. I nodded and sighed. He stretched his hand out to me and dragged me up the stairs to another, bigger hallway where we in the one end entered a big hall were several students were gathered. David released my hand and smiled at me:                                                                                     '' Welcome to advanced magic 101 miss Castra'' he said and laughed.

I sighed and looked around. I didnt feel too comfortable in large crowds, i think David noticed because he quickly reached for my hand and pulled me closer. He bent over to me.                              '' Dont worry... they're not going to bite'' he whispered in my ear and smiled. I snorted and punched him in the shoulder. He smiled weakly and i dissapeared in my own toughts.                                         '' How could i fall at ease with a complete stranger so quickly? Is he using any magic on me?'' i thought suspiciously. But soon i threw that tought away. He wasnt like that. He was just one of thoose people who could make people like him the second he opened his mouth. No, he wasnt like Feric or any of the other idiots i had met. He was real. My nightmares were not. 

No matter what i needed someone like him. I needed one i could trust. One that could help me trough the trouble i would most definiatley meet. 

After all...

I was in the heart of my enemys lair. 

The royal magicans guilds academy. 

My next adventure, was just about to begin. 


So..... what do you think about David? I actually thought of him in my math class! I need a lastname for him by the way so any suggestions are welcome :)

The adventure continues tomorrow. I will update as soon as im home from my voluntary work with my band. 

Beware... as Eirim continues her dangerous path in the guilds academy and who is David? Is he a friend, or just a spy sent from the head master? 

Judge for yourself! Comment your opinion and find out what will happend, TOMORROW. 

- musicfireflie

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