The next step

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Authors note:

Well hellooo everyone! It has been tooo long.. but as the seasons go by, i am now back in business! Im finally at my summer break, and as many of you know.. this is my most productive time of year! 

Now... i might get some new readers.. so to help you catch up heres a quick sum up of the story so far: 

In a country ruled by a mad king our main character Eirim Castra, also known as the violinist has  been hunted all her life.. for being a magician, for being the last free magician not bound to any of the guilds of the country. Hunted by the magicians of the guild, she uses her powers around the country to spread hope to the people through music and magic. It is a lonely life, she never has any time to stop, she never stays for very long in one place.. Always looking over her shoulder, always on the run.. unntil the day she meets him... the mysterious Alex.. the vanished prince. 

Eirim is captured together with Alex, and is taken to the castle where she comes face to face with the mad king.. the man who is responsible for the murder of her family. Her presence in the castle sets several things in motion, she will brin both peace and conflict to the royal family but most important of all... the fight against evil never stops. 

The last time we saw our heroine, she discovered what actually happened the day she started her journey, the day her family was killed.. all through her only surviving relative: Her uncle, Braydor. 

I cant sum up the whole story, that would take forever! But please feel free to click your way through the last parts :) And do have mercy on me, the language in some parts are not entirely correct. 

Now... enjoy!


'' Eirim?''

''Eirim..? Are you with us?'' 

Everything is blurry at first when i slowly wake up, but as the scene clears i recognize the face of my uncle Braydor. He looks at me expectantly, but i dont know what to say. I feel... angry, i feel sad... he left me alone, left me to fend for myself... alone.. with a big, black hole in my memory... but at the same time... i understood why.. He did it because he cares about me..

I take a minute to gather my thoughts, then i look him straight in the eyes. '' I... i forgive you..'' i whisper. My uncle looks surprised. '' You forgive me?'' He asks nervously and i just nod. How can i hate my own family? He only wanted to protect me from the horrors of the past. But no more... To move on, i had to know.. i had to accept what happened and continue on the path that fate had put me on.. I am a fighter, a survivour and it was time to free this country and give it back to the people but i needed help. 

I realize my uncle is still staring at me. I just shake my head, and take a step away from him. 

''Eirim?'' I turn around and meet Ferrics gaze. My friend.. i hated him.. for so many years i believed he was a traitor, but he had no choice.  I smile at him. '' I remember... i remember everything...''  I say, and sigh. He looks at me, a little uncertain. '' You spared my life that day, putting your own life in danger... im so sorry...'' i whisper. He smiles a little. ''Youre sorry? For what?'' He asks, puzzled. '' For.. for hating you all those years...'' i whisper and look down. Before im able to do anything i feel his arms around me. 

'' Dont... dont you ever blame yourself for anything like that'' he whispers. '' What happened, happened! The only thing we can do now, is move forward.'' I dont know what to say... so i just nod. He takes a step away from me and looks over my shoulder towards Braydor. ''So.. what now? The snake has finally shown his true colors, the kingdom is in worse hands than it already was and we got.. well nothing really.. '' he says. Braydor sighs and turns towards the podium in the hall where the council of the order of the raven still sits and starts walking towards them. As he walks bright lights flutters around his feets and floats into the air where they start forming several images and maps. He stops in front of the podium and turns towards us. In front of him, another map forms. He looks at us both and smiles.  '' My dear children, this order has been around for decades.. did you really think we havent achieved anything?'' He gestures to the images and maps flickering in the air in front of him. We walk closer, and start studying the images. I Hear Ferric gasp and turn.  '' This.. '' he gestures to the black dots littering the map in front of him and looks at Braydor. '' This is all your people?'' Braydor nods with a smile. '' We have been recruting people for decades, our forces hide in plain daylight and operate entirely independent.. but all of them know, that when the council calls.. its time to gather for one final battle'' 

Ferric and i exchange hopeful glances. '' Unntil this day, we havent been strong enough to do much... our forces have been making an effort to cause as much trouble for the kingdom as they can, but it is hardly enough... the more we fight back, the harder they fight back..'' Braydor explains, and then looks at me. '' But after you started to move, Eirim.. things have changed! Hope.. is returning to our people, and with hope comes strength! We have never had this many members, we have never been so united.. all thanks to you Eirim!'' he continues. I feel my cheeks burn. ''I didnt do anything...'' i mumble. Braydor shakes his head. '' No, my dear.. dont you see it? Its the small things that matters! If one person, manages to stand up and fight like that.. imagine what several thousand can do!'' 

Braydor snaps his fingers and the images disappears. He crosses his hands and looks at us both.      ''The forces are gathering, Eirim... the time to fight back is now.. and we want you.. to stand at the front!'' He points at me, and i feel everyone watching me expectantly. I take a deep breath, and step forward. I stop in front of Braydor and smile.                                    

'' I really dont know if i will be a good leader... my reasons for fighting are personal on many levels.. but i will try... but i do have some conditions..'' I say. Braydor exchanges a look with the council behind him, recieving no protests he turns to me and nods. I smile.  

'' Where do we start?''

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