The violinist

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I actually dreamt about this story, so i wrote it down... i hope you guys like it, because i do!              

So comment, vote, like it, read it! Let me know what you think! I'll give you coockies :3 



Whats your name? The question i fear, the question that could get me killed. You see, i've got a lot of different names but theres not one of them thats not wanted. 

Im wanted. And im just a 18 year old girl. The kings men have been looking for me since my first performance. Im a musician, but im also a magician. A rouge magician, the worst of my kind they say. But i dont see why? What have i really done wrong? I dont use my magic for evil, i only use it for good. But heres the deal: the king hates all magicians he doesnt have control over. And im not going to become one of his dogs, no matter how much they try the kings magicians guild will never get the hold of me. So i live alone, traveling from town to town. I never stay at the same place a long time and i never come back. Okey thats not true, because for some reason im always drawn back to the coast town Ithura where the annual spring festival takes place. Its a beautiful city, with its old shops down by the water and the kings summer palace resting in the back of the horisont. Thats where my problem is.  I cant sneak in without the king knowing. His spies are everywhere. But it still doesnt stop me.                          

I am a musician, this is what i live of. He cant stop me from entering the city. 

I said i have many names, given to me by the people of this country but my real name, the name my mom once gave me... is Eirim Castra but most people call me the Violinist. 

Chapter 1 The entrance

Im actually nervous. My stomach hurts and i feel awful. The city of Ithura, my goal towers up before me. I have the town gate to my right and the sea to my left. Oh.. how i wish i could just walk through the gate like any normal person, but i cant. They would recognize me, all the guards knew how i looked like. After all, i was on the top of the most wanted list. They belived i was dangerous, but what can i do? I cant kill anybody with a violin! I sigh and drop back in the grass. I have to sneak in later, when the guards go of duty. So i decide to enjoy the peace now when i can, before hell breaks lose. I pull my hood longer down over my head and push a lock of golden hair behind my ear and look up at the sun. It was a beautiful day, as it always was at this time of year. Soon the people would start gathering and the festival would start. 

It was already begining. If i focused i could hear the faint sound of musicians practicing inside the city walls and they were still coming. I looked over at the gate again and smiled faintly when i discovered one of my old friends from my time in the east, of course she didnt know who i really was.. none of them ever got the chance to figure it out, i always changed my name. it was in one way kind of sad, the way i lived i really didnt got the chance to keep my friends close. I was always at the run, it was always someone who recognized me in the end and i had to disappear. 

I blinked and looked away, i checked my bag where my violin lay and looked around. It was soon time to move out. A quick glance at the sun made me realize that i was soon out of time, i had to get in and out of sight in 3 minutes. So i started my preperations. I had gone through this plan a hundred times over and over again on my way here, i knew it was a risk but what choice did i have? I had to make it. 

Carefully i looked out from behind my hiding spot before jumping over to the other side squeezing myself up against the wall. I turned around and facing the wall i started mumbling the spell i've been practicing. It wasnt that strong but it was strong enough. My hands and feets started to glow faintly and in one jump i started to climb up on the wall, i had to get over the wall when the guards didnt look and down on the other side. It sounded easy, but in broad daylight this was a gamble. But thankfully my black cloack didnt just keep my face hidden. if the bearer wished for it, he or she would be hidden for unfriendly eyes. It was a gift my father had left behind after leaving my mom. It was the only thing i had after him, if you didnt count my powers that i had because of him. 

The violinistWhere stories live. Discover now