The escape

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I start planning our escape.

I know that if the castle is already seized it would not take long before the town would be heavily guarded as well. We had to get out. And quickly.

As i float over the courtyard, with an unconcious Armin floating beside me and my arms outstretched ready to release my attack all i can really think on is the boy with the mysterious eyes who saved me  not just once but twice and now.. now i stood face to face with a choice that seemed impossible. I either had to leave the one boy i have ever been able to open up to and run away again, or die here in the courtyard with him and by doing that.. ruining the countrys future, his future and all of his fathers dreams. And he knew, and i knew.. that i couldnt do that, and he didnt wish me to do it either. I could clearly read the message in his eyes.

I shake my head, and focus on my surroundings again. I release my breath slowly, as i confirm that my fireballs are still intact. The black knights stationed on the roof around me are still in a temporary state of shock, so are Kastor and his men in front of me. Kastors face is a mask with a mix of pure rage and fear. He didnt expect me to put up a fight, which after my opinion was his first and last mistake. 

My eyes find Alexs, and i have to fight hard to keep my feelings locked down. This was not the time.   '' This is not the end, and thats a promise!'' i shout before i turn my gaze over at Kastor. He sneers at me and i growl back and release my attack. 

The black knights shouts and screams are like music to my ears as i use the confusion that it cause to jump over to the top of the wall where i stop, making sure i still have control over Armins body floating beside me. I take a good look at the courtyard, and between the smoke and fog i get a last glimpse of Kastor and Alex in the far end on the balcony. I sigh, look away and pull my hood up over my head. 

'' A new storm is coming, Kastor!'' I shout and turn around and lock my eyes with his. I point at him with a steady finger. '' And that storm... is coming to get you!'' 

With Armins body secured beside me, i jump over the edge and let myself float down on the road running around the outside of the castle walls. 

I stop for a moment and let Armins body hang over my back. I hear angry shouting from the courtyard and smile weakly as i recognize the not so calm lord Kastor: '' I want that girl, dead or alive and i want her NOW!'' A moment of silence and the sound of the black knights mumbling to each other. Then.. a loud thump as if something was dropped.                                                                               

'' Well what are you waiting for? Go! Bring me that girls head! She must not get out of the city!'' I grimace and set of towards the city. 

It went slow.. and not only because of Armins body, hanging over my back. Actually Armin had gotten so thin, so carrying him was not the problem. The problem... was my uneasy mind. How could this happend? How could this happend without anyone picking up the warning signs? It didnt make sense.. 

Shouts behind me make me stop and change direction. I had hoped they wouldnt be that quick, scrambling themself together but oh well.. If i had to fight, i would. 

Im in the middle of the high street now, correction: The EMPTY hight street. I was a way to obvious target out here, i had to get out of sight. NOW. I move my gaze from left to right, scanning the empty street of options. 

At the last minute i turn 90 degrees and sprint into a familiar street. The same street Alex led me through my first day in the city. I hear running steps behind me and i realise that the knights are closer than i think. I turn at a corner again and find myself in the middle of a dead end. 

I curse and turn around. Im trapped, there is no way out. My magic is already zapped from my little show in the castle courtyard, if i hadnt used my energy so recklessly i would have been able to float us out of here but i couldnt. They were coming closer, i could almost hear their heavy breathing. 

Suddently as im about to give up, i hear a metallic clang on the wall beside me. A panel slumps aside, showing a ragged face smiling up at me. Its a kid! He eyes me warily, before turning his head in the direction of the sound of my pursuers and then he turns his attention back at me.        '' Well... you're coming or not?'' 

I only nod once before i make my way over to him. The hole is big enough for both me and Armins body to get in at the same time, but im so afraid of hurting his frail body. So after i make my way in, and down into the hole myself I turn and slowly, using several agonizing minutes even with the help of the young boy. But then.. we're in. Safe, even if just for a moment. 

We're in a small canal system, from the smell of the water in the bottom its the sewage.. great. Of all the places i thought i would end up after this day, the sewage was the last thing i would have expected. I look over at the young boy, sitting beside me. He's only a child, about ten year maybe. With ragged clothes and an old hat made of felt. Im about to thank him for getting us out of there when we hear the angry voices of the black knights outside. 

The boy looks at me, and puts a hand over his mouth, to mute his breathing. I do the same. And then we wait... we wait for what seems like hours before the black knights spread to continue their search. Now what?

The boy stand up on the other side of me, and looks down into the darkness where a fire now lights up the end of the tunnel. A figure is standing beside it, leaning against the wall. Watching us. I look over at the boy, who points at Armin who's still unconcious and then at me. I only nod and even if my body hurts all over, i manage to lift him once again, and we're on the move. 

We move slowly through the tunnel system, i dont get a chance to wonder over who these people are but as we keep going trough this labyrinth i see several figures hidden in the dark. Armed.. But im to tired to even begin to progress well.... everything. I feel my eyelids getting heavy, but Armins steady breathing in my ear keeps me awake.

After walking through the tunnels for what seemed like an hour, we finally seemed to be getting somewhere. The smooth, brick walls started to give away for several doors to hidden rooms and we finally stopped before one of the last on the line. The boy knocks several times, a pattern of some sort... before the door is opened by a tall man i recognize before everything goes black:



Jeeezzz.... THAT was a hard one! Sorry for all the waiting, my fantasys been sort of dry theese last months... Writers block is not something to make fun of!!! 

Anywayzzz thanks for reading!! Hope you dont hate me for the ending ;) 

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