The rebel's welcome

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We keep running into the forest, and i feel the little energy the mysterious girl gave me slowly fade. After a few more minutes we reach what can only be described as a city in the trees.. Tired as we were, we just collapsed on the ground while people gathered around us. 

Someones at my side again, i try to swat them away but im to weak.. ''Its okey, drink'' someone whispers and a cup with something is lifted to my lips. I take a sip.. its just water, but theres something about it. Its so fresh.. and the taste! It tastes like home... i gasp and grab the cup and pour the rest of it into my mouth. Someone giggles beside me and i look up into the dark, green eyes of a brown haired young girl. She smiles and laughs again as i cough and almost throw up all the water again. ''You need to take it easy dear'' the girl says quickly, then someone barks an order behind her and she hauls me up on my feet.

I look around, my sight a little blurry. I recognize my friends beside me, all of them being kept on their feet by one or two characters dressed in robes. In front of us, a large bearded man measures each of us with his gaze. His eyes lands on me eventually, and he takes a step towards me before he bows his head in respect. Those around us whisper, before they to bow their heads. ''Im... confused..'' i say calmly. The large man stands up and smiles. ''My apologies my lady, let me introduce myself and my friends. I am known as Hawthorn, and these fine people.. '' He shouts with a smirk while gesticulating to the shadowed characters around us. ''.. are known as the green shadows, the last free people of this wretched land.. And you!'' he says, pointing at me. ''Must be the one they call the violinist! Welcome to Falachite forest, we have waited for you for a long time''

I look at him, not knowing quite what to say. This is it.. this is the meeting point.. These are the poeple im supposed to lead. 

Ferric is suddently at my side, and elbows me in my ribs. ''You have to say something..'' he whispers through gritted teeth. I shake my head and take a step towards Hawthorne and grab his hand. 

''Thank you for the.. ahem.. warm welcome!'' I say with a grin. Hawthorne lets out a short laugh.. ''Yes it was not as warm as we hoped it would be, but come.. let us get away from the edge of the forest! We are safer further in as the soldiers dont dear to set foot in it! '' I give Hawthorne a small nod and let him and his people lead us further into the darkness of the forest. 

As we walk, several of those who helped us get safely into the forest come up to me, some just to take a closer look, some murmured words of gratitude in languages i dont recognize. Some just shaked my hand or just touched my shoulder. I looked at Hawthorne with a little scared look, he looks back at me and just pats my head. 

'' You better get used to it girl, these people have heard stories of your adventures for a long time. You are the first one who has continued to stand up to the tyrants of this country without faltering.. You are like a hero to these guys!'' He explains to me. I just nod in silence as i try to process this information. 

I mean me? A hero? All i have ever done was trying to survive, to live like i always wanted to live.. I didnt really see what the big deal was.. 

We were getting closer to what i was guessing was the rebels main camp. I could see more and more people in between the trees, grouped around small fires and tents watching us with curious looks. A light was glowing in front of us, and i could hear music in the distance. 

A flute? And drums?..

 I could feel myself getting excited. Music always made me feel better, it gave me new energy. But i still could not help feeling a little bit uncomfortable with all these eyes on me. This would take me some time to get used to, i didnt really want this kind of attention.. it was something else when i was performing.

I sensed Ferric move to my side and grab my hand. 

''I know what your thinking, but try to relax..'' He whispers to me. I give his hand a squeeze and smile gratefully at him.. 

As we enter a clearing in the forest my toughts are confirmed. We have reached their main camp. In the middle i see the source of the light we saw, it was a large bonfire. But not like the ones were used to. This fire gave of a white light. Magic... it must have been made with magic i tought.. 

As the people in the clearing started to discover us, more and more eyes landed on me. And i could feel myself shrink away. 

Hawthorne coughed and took a step forward and jumped up on an overturned tree rot. 

'' My fellow rebels.. '' He turned and gesticulated at me. '' Our violinist is here!'' He shouted and the crowd erupted in a chaos of cheers, shouting and clapping. 

I was stunned.. 

Then i felt someone put something in my hand and i looked down. It was a little girl with green eyes. I lifted to study the instument she had put into my hand. It was the most beautiful violin i had ever seen. 

I look up to see that people had stopped cheering and was now watching me. Everyone, including Hawthorne. 

After a little while he gave me a grin and said: '' Well? Are you not going to use it? Please.. show us why you have become such a legend!'' And the crowd erupted in cheers again. And i felt myself being lifted by those around me, and before i knew it i was placed on a rock close to the bonfire. 

''Play, play, play, play!''

They were chanting.

The crowd was chanting!

It grew louder and louder and i couldnt help but smile. 

'' Alright!'' I shouted and they cheered again before they settled down. 

Time to show them why they call me..

the violinist 

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