The devilish nature of fire

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I knew i should have stayed in bed. 

Standing there at the stage, in front of all the studens, facing the headmasters golden boy i actually felt nervous..

I had only used my powers to attack once. And that was only a short while ago... i knew that i had to find back to that, but i didnt know if i want to. The feeling of the destructive power running through my fingers had been unbearable. I didnt know if i could handle it again.

I think David noticed my nervousness. He looked me straight in the eyes and smiled weakly. '' Dont let your fear control you'' he said quickly then stepped forward and closed his eyes, his hand went up and before i knew it a brilliant wall of flame rose before me. I took a step back in pure shock, but as soon as the flames died i let the shocked expression on my face dissapear and transform into a snarl as i realised he tried to scare me. I took a step forward and closed my eyes. 

The darkness was overwhelming.

I tried to focused, tried to find back to the light of magic i had so desperatley grabbed on to when i first tried to escape from this very castle. 

And in the start.... i saw nothing. 

It was as if i was swiming through a pool of tar, i could barely move... 

But then...

a flickr of light... somewhere in front of me...

I felt it... i felt the power, it was only for a second but if i could just reach the light i could win this. 

I had to.

If i was ever to figure out the secrets about my family and their role in the kingdoms history i had to get in! 

I struggled and felt sweat run down my neck... i was so close, so close and then... i was there. 

I grabbed the light and a gasp went through my body as the destructive power surged through me, my eyes flew open and i took a step towards David and waved at him. '' Well come on then, golden boy! Now im ready'' i said with a satisfied smirk when i saw his shocked expression but soon he shaked it of and smiled weakly. 

'' Well then... i better get ready to'' he said quickly and closed his eyes, he brought up his hand in front of his face and suddently it catched on fire. I looked at him surprised for a moment. '' So... fire?'' i asked, he opened his eyes and laughed while he swirled the fire ball in his hand around in the air. 

We stood silent for a moment.

'' Let the test... begin!'' a voice suddwently shouted and David threw his fire. 

I jumped to the side and barley missed it feeling the heat sting my clothes as it flew by but something wasnt right... the fire ball turned! I cursed and stopped in my tracks and turned to face it.   I had to think quick. 

I lifted my hands in front of me and felt my powers create something that felt like a shield of energy in front of me. I saw David move his hands and the fire ball shifted its course again, but this time i was ready.. I let the shield grow so it eventually created a ball around me. I saw his face lose a part of its confidence as the fire ball bumped of the shield. But he didnt give up that easily and forced the fire ball to attack again and again but to no use, but i knew that i couldnt keep this shield up for much longer, i had to do something NOW. 

With every step being a struggle i slowly started to walk towards David who followed my every movement, he knew that i was struggling, he knew that if he just continued attacking my shield would eventually collapse. But what he didnt excpect was me using the shield to camoflauge my next attack. I used my feelings as fuel and felt my powers grow. I stopped walking and felt him stop his attack out of pure curiosity. 

I took a deep breath and imagined the wave of power i had released back in the courtyard that faitful day. I needed to recreate that. 

And i did it. 

As i released the power i had builded up i limited it so that it would be centered only at David. I watched with mixed feelings as the wave of magic hit him in the chest, he didnt have time to even react and ended up almost crashing right into the wall on the other side if it wasnt for Feric who used his magic to catch him. He sends me a worried look before he looks down on the coughing David. The headmaster steps forward from the shadows and walks over to me where i sit on my knees.... totally exhausted. 

'' Second part of the test... passed'' he shouts. The crowd is still shocked from the turn out but after a couple of seconds one by one they start claping and cheering. I smile and Feric is suddently by my side again helping me up. I look at him concerned. He smiles and points at the corner where a pretty beat up David makes his way towards a door in the corner, helped by two of his fellow student. '' He's going to be fine, they're taking him to the healer'' at this moment i feel the adrenaline leave my body and i collapse in his arms. Feric looks at the headmaster who nods and turns to the crowd.

'' You are all dismissed until your next class'' he proclaimed and watched as the students exited the room then he looked over at Feric. '' Take her to the nurse'' he said and dissapeared leaving only a trail of smoke behind him. Feric looked at me for a moment, obviously worried for me. I tried to smile but a sharp pain interrupted that. I looked down on my hands and almost fainted. My fingertips on my one hand was black from my destructive power outlet  and red streaks of blood where now running down from big wounds on both of my hands. I took a sharp breath. And closed my eyes for what seemed like only a moment but when i opened them again we were just entering a big white room which i guessed was the infirmary. A young woman with blonde hair dressed in white robes came rushing over to us the moment we entered and gasped when she saw my wounds. She turned for a moment and pointed to one of the white beds standing in the room. '' Put her there'' she said and ushered us over. 

I was put down on the soft bed and felt my eyes flutter shut as the girl grabbed my fingers to inspect them. She sighs as i grit my teeth because of the pain and shakes her head. '' You have overloaded your magical circuites... it will take some time to heal but dont you worry, we'll fix you up right away... you also have some nasty burns... i guess that comes from the young lad over there'' she said and pointed to another bed where David was being taken care of by another healer. I snorted and took a deep breath as the pain took another hold of me. The healer releases my hand again and places her hands on top of me instead. She closes her eyes and a green light spreads out from her fingers. I bit my tongue trying not to scream as the pain increased and then... darkness overtook me. 

Fire and pure energy....

NOT a good mix. 


Hi, hello, good afternoon and good night!!! 

So, so sorry for not updating sooner.... i've been trying to find motivation to write again for quite a while now but the good news is... im on my vinter break now sooo MORE TIME TO WRITE!

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- Musicfireflie 

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