A chance to say a final goodbye

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The king.. the man who ordered the assasination of my family... The man who ruined my life, was standing only a couple of meters away from me. Shakily i got up on my feets and stared towards the throne. I didnt know quite what went through my head at that very precise moment.. anger? Sorrow?       I dont know... My head was to full of questions to care at all. He could do whatever he wanted with me now.. I had lost, but if i was going down... i would go down with my head held high. 

The king sat down at his throne and looked towards us. '' My son... please step away from the girl.. i have saved her life, you owe me that much'' the king suddently said towards Alex who didnt look to happy about it. He looked at me with anger in his eyes, i knew what he would do so i shaked my head. '' How can you expect me to just leave her? After how you treated her?'' he shouted. The king stood up from his throne and sighed. '' I dont know what you are expecting, Alex! This girl is a magician... a rouge magician! She is a danger to her surroundings and a danger to our kingdom!'' he said and pointed at me. I took a step forward and clenched my fists. 

'' Eirim is no danger! Do you know what she uses her magic for? She plays! A violin... she creates entertaining for the people! The people that suffer beneath youre rule! Thanks to her, they all get a little break from their though lifes! She shows them pictures... thats all she does'' Alex was shaking from anger. I took a step towards him and lay a hand on his shoulder. He looked at me with surprise in his eyes. '' I believe..'' i said '' that the easiest way of making the king see my magic is by showing it... i never mean any harm, unless someone threathen my life!'' the last thing i shouted at the king. The king frowned and took another step towards me.

'' You are a magician... a rouge magician... every rouge magician who doesnt turn themselfs in for the king will be recognised as a threath.. so says the laws, and so says I'' the king said calmly, as if nothing had happened. His cold eyes scanned mine for any tiny little part of fear. I shaked my head and took at step forward so that i stood in the light, streaming down from the big windows in the room. I closed my eyes and tooked a deep breath. If he wouldnt listen, than i would show him the truth myself. When i focused, i could feel what troubled peoples minds. '' You still havent forgiven yourself, have you my king?'' The king looked at me curiously. '' What are you talking about, little girl?'' he asked carefully looking over his shoulder to make sure his two guards were still around him. '' It is not the rouge magicians you hate... it is yourself... you hate yourself... you couldnt protect her like she promised but it wasnt your fault..'' i continued feeling a presence pulling at the far end of my consciousness. There was a picture trying to show itself for me. This happened sometimes. Picturer or spirits tied to the ones i tried to read pushed themselfs on me, trying to get through. And this time i gladly let it step forward. 

I started singing. I didnt have my violin, so singing was my only choice. It was only through music that my magic could roam free. I was right. It was a spirit, trying to reach out through me from the spirit world. I smiled when i saw who it was and changed my song to a more familiar one. A sad song that my mother once taught me. A song about hope and loss and as i spinned my magic around the song a picture started to form in front of me. 

'' Shes doing it again! Stop her!'' the king shouted but another voice stepped in shouting at the kings men to stop. '' Father, please tell me that you do see her!'' Alex voice sounded desperate.. pained. I felt the tears before i could even think about it. I didnt want to make him sad. But this was the only way to make his father to meet his greatest fear, the woman he wasnt able to protect: His queen, Annabelle. 

I had met the queen only once. My family was close to the royal family once, and my mother had known the queen way before she was married to the king. She had visited us on her way to her wedding, to say a final goodbye to my mom. In one way i believe she knew what would happend. Lights started to fill the area before me, and a figure stepped out from the light. I smiled weakly at the kings face. Queen Annabelle, the kindest queen of them all. With her light brown hair, flowing over her shoulder, her kind, brown eyes taking in every part of her surroundings. She was beautiful, just like i remembered her. She was dressed in a forest green dress, with a veil that flowed like a green carpet behind her. She smiled, and looked at Alex who couldnt seem to believe his eyes.         '' My son... my little Alex is that really you?'' the queens voice was like a warm breeze, coming from a place far, far away. She took a step towards Alex but an barrier seemed to stop her. Alex looked confused and took a step forward. '' Im sorry  my queen... you are only a visitor in this world right now, you have to stay within a certain distance from me, as your contact to the spirit world'' i said calmly pointing to the circle of light the queen and i were standing in. She turned around and looked at me, curiosity filling her eyes. '' Eirim Caster... you have grown so much! How are youre mother?'' the queen asked, smiling. At this i sat my eyes into the king at the other side.

''My mother is no more.. i am the only one left.. after your death, the king ordered my family killed.. he blamed the rouge magicians for youre death... but in reality.. he is blaming himself for not being abl to protect you'' i said bitterly, biting my lips. The queen smiled sadly, and reached out and stroked me over the hair before turning around, facing her husband. '' Why my dear? I know that you have always had a fear of magic, but to go as far as to kill our own friends... hunting down an innocent girl for her amazing powers, which are making this meeting possible..'' the queen smiled at the king who took a step closer and reached out to her but the queen just shock her head. Her image started to flickr. I made a grimace, her time was nearly out. The queen looked at me and i nooded, '' say what you have to say, your highness.. i will keep your contact up until your done'' i said and smiled. The queen nooded and turned again to the king. '' I understand your actions my dear... but it cant continue... you are a good man, dont let the people turn on you just because of what happened to me... the magicians are not to be blamed...'' the king tried to say something but the queen shaked her head. ''No need my love... you dont need to say a thing'' the queen and i moved a step forward so that she would be able to touch the king. She took his hand and kissed it briefly, '' i love you... no matter what you choose.. take care of Alex'' she whispered and turned to Alex. '' My son... I know what you have been doing theese last years... and i understand that you have been frightened, but everything will be better know''  she said and bowed closer to him. The queen pointed a finger at me and smiled. '' And dont let your father come between you.. take care of her, and she will take care of you''  she said and laughed. ''Mother...'' Alex whispered and tried to touch his mother. But his hand just went right through her. The queen smiled weakly and one single tear flowed down her cheek. 

''Im so proud of you Alex... and no matter what... i will always love you and your father'' 

Her image flickered again, and i felt my knees tremble beneath me. I wasnt able to keep the contact. I looked at Alex and shaked my head. I felt the darkness coming, and the queen dissapeared in a cloud of butterflies, flying towards the roof far far over us. 

One single butterfly continued to hoover over my head. '' Thank you..'' it whispered as it eventually started to fly after its friends. 

The contact was broken. 

A final goodbye had been said. 


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