Another danger

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I am drifting through darkness, there is no lights... just a white fog curling away when i come closer. I can barley see my own hand in front of me. I dont feel pain, i dont feel hunger but what i do feel is thirst. 

A horrible thrist.

My throat feels like it is burning. 

But there is no water in sight.. no saving... no.. nothing.

I keep going, trying to not panic. Im probarly unconcious, but i still feel trapped... how did i end up unconcious? I try to remember.. but that only makes my head hurt. 

I continue to drift around, seeing no other option but to wait until something happends. In one way... this is quite peaceful. 

'' Eirim...'' i hear someone whisper

I turn around.. confused but i cannot seem to see the owner of the voice.

'' You have to wake up again... we need you to come back.. I need you to come back'' 

I smile weakly. 

I know this voice.. I would recognise it everywhere. 

I know my throat is both dry and raw but i need to say it.. need to let him know that i can hear him.     

''Alex...'' i whisper my voice cracks and then my eyes fix on a light far away. 

Its small... but its there and hopefully it will bring me back to the boy with the stunning blue eyes. The one who saved me, the one who needs saving the most. 

I move slowly towards the light, my whole body struggles trying to stop me but i continue. 

Pain shots through me as i continue forward but i ignore it. I need to wake up. 

'' I hear ya... come on Eirim'' i hear him whisper, cheering me forward. I look down on my hand, i feel like its someone holding it but i cannot see but... i know that its him. 

I struggle and with a last effort i break free of the darkness. 

I jump up from where im lying scaring both Alex and one of the healers who literary falls of her chair. I breath heavily and feel someone lay a hand on my back. Alex... 

His blue eyes are lit with worry. '' Its okey now... you're okey'' he whispers. I feel myself break and slump against his shoulder, tired and happy. 

He strokes me over my hair and kisses me  on my head. I cant hold it in. I cry in silence, safe and sound in his embrace. '' Come on...'' he whispers into my ear and rise and holds out a hand to me. I take it carefully and stand watching my hands in amazement.

''They're healed!'' i shout. Alex nods and smiles at my amazement. '' Lets go for a walk shall we?'' he holds out his arm to me and i take it and let him guide me out into the hallway, up one stair case and then we were out on top of the tower. The same tower where we first met again after i got my judgement. We stop at the edge and lean over to look down. I smile as a cold wind brushes against my face. I look at Alex who's studying me with a grim expression. 

'' What?'' i say and smile weakly. He just looks at me and then turns his attention over at the view. '' Whats wrong?'' i ask, more worried. He sighs and looks at me. '' My father... is sick Eirim..'' he say quietly with a shaky voice like only saying it made him afraid. '' Alex... Im sorry'' i whisper, shock filling me. If his father dies, Alex will have to take his place and i know... that is his worst nightmare. I touch his arm, but he doesnt react at first. Then he smiles but the smile doesnt quite reach his eyes. 

'' Its alright... i knew that it had to come sooner or later.. i was hoping for later but i guess i just have to deal with it... but thats not the real issue here! Thanks to some nimrod... every damn lord and chief knows and is allying themself with our enemies across the borders in the West and East! If we dont go out and meet them now..... we will have a war even before the king dies'' I look at him, once again shocked by how much he has grown. Im not so shocked over the situation really... the king was not young anymore and he had made lots of enemys since the day he took over the throne. 

I sigh and look down on the town. '' So... whats going to happend now?'' i ask quietly. He smiles weakly and grabbes my hand. '' I need you to stand by my side... i need someone who can see a situation from outside a royal stand, i need a powerful girl like you to terrify the kingdoms enemies!'' at that we both started laughing. But then he turned serious again, '' i'll have to pull you out of the academy for now... but dont worry, you'll get private lessons'' he says and smiles. I nod  and smile back. Suddently from out of nowhere he pulls me closer and kisses me fiercly on the mouth. I struggle at first but then i accept it and feel him pull me even closer, i put my arms around his neck and kiss him back. 

We have to stop eventually when we're out of breath and stand in silence, holding hands when suddently a trompet sounds from somewhere at the main gate. I feel a cold wind swish past me and i was not shocked to find Feric standing behind us looking at Alex. 

'' My lord... we have a problem'' he says quietly. Alex sighs and releases my hand. '' What is it now?'' he says annoyed. Feric looks down, and seems almost afraid. '' Come on Captain, spit it out'' Alex says as friendly as he can. Feric looks up again and sighs. '' The kings... brother... lord Kastor has entered the castle..'' he says quickly before dissapearing again. I think he knew what would come. Alex started to curse and it was not quiet either. He shouted and kicked the wall in anger. 

'' That damn snake! He doesnt show up for years, not before and not after! He's after the throne for sure...'' he shouts angry and starts to walk towards the door but i stop him in his tracks. '' You are not going in there before you are calm enough! And if you are going, im coming with you'' i say determined. He smiles weakly. '' I could need someone to keep me in check'' he says with a smile and take my hand he leans towards me. '' Come on'' he whispers into my ear giving me the chills. 

He was still angry, i could see it in his eyes... but what i also saw which scared me was the fear.

Who was this lord who scared even Alex who hadnt even met him in person before? 


Yoooooo people! Sorry for the wait but hope you liked this part!!! Im quite busy right now but im not done with this story yet! 

- Musicfireflie 

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