A trap in the dark?

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The courtyard is dark. To dark. I can barely see a thing. I look around and listen. Not a soul. I smile weakly and take a deep breath and let my magic flow. A fire ball forms in my outstretched palm and im finally able to see something. I hated spying. But this was a matter of knowing, or dying. I try to keep my face hidden and i run over the empty courtyard and dive into hiding behind a hey ball. I heard something, and it was not human. 


There it was again! Something was watching me. I didnt know what, but right now i really didnt care.  ''I have to get into that meeting.'' i think slightly annoyed and look up at the light streaming from the big windows just above my head. 


                                                           10 hours earlier

'' Hey Eirim! Where are you going? Class is this way!'' I turn around to face David who's looking at me with a curious look in his eyes. I growl and slowly make my way over to him. He laughs at my annoyed look. I grunt and walk past him without offering him a look.                                                                                  

'' Oh, come on dont be like that!'' he says quickly as he caught up with me. I only grunt as answer. '' And here i was... thinking that i could skip class again!'' i think and look over my shoulder at the door out of the academy. I didnt have time to sit still when i knew that Alex power hungry uncle where sneaking around in the dark just waiting for the king to die. 

'' Hey... whats wrong?'' David asks me and puts a hand on my shoulder. I smile weakly and just shake my head. '' Its nothing... im alright, dont think about it'' i say and ignore his curious stare. The uneasy feeling in my stomach only grows as i notice the light streaming out from the royal chambers. It has been bothering me since Alex and i first met with his uncle last night. As we enter our classrom, i take a last, quick look outside.


Somethings there. Sneaking around just outside my felt of view, i dont know what or who it is but the nasty feeling of being watched is not to be mistaken. It makes me feel even more uneasy.           

'' What are you staring at? Get in, or the professor will yell at you, and thats not a good way to start your first class!'' i hear someone yelling beside me. I take a last look around the corridor before i turn around and walk into the classrom. Something is wrong. And i fear that Alex will get in the middle of it. 

First hour; the theory behind magic. Aka. boring as hell. And i couldnt keep my focus on the class no matter how hard i tried. There was to much going on. Suddently i see a hand waving in front of me. I turn my head annoyed and focus on David who sits beside me with an annoying grin at his face. He points at the front and i realise that the whole class is silent and is watching me. I lift my gaze and focus at the front of the classrom. I make a grimace as i realise why everyone is so silent: Feric has entered the room and is looking straight at me. Our professor looks confused for a moment but then he follows Ferics gaze. He coughs and points at me with his pointer.                                               

'' Miss Castra, you have been summoned'' he says and points at Feric who only nods. I sigh and get up and walk towards the front of the classrom. I feel everyones gaze burning in my backhead and i feel my cheeks heat up.                                                                                                                                         

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