A change of destiny

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HI EVERYONE! Musicfireflie speaking! 

SO... christmas has come and gone... and new years eve are right around the corner.

As i look back on this year i realise just how much i have achieved.. sending my first almost done manuscript to a publisher... getting this cooperation contract, and getting to develop new skills as they make me look at my story with new eyes... i find it quite interesting how many mistakes i actually did in the begining... but we learn by doing mistakes. 

Anyways... a new year is close... and i look forward to another exciting year! Im quite excited if the publishers are happy this time... the last thing i heard was that they had sended it over to an expert on the fantasy genre..... god knows who that might be.... But enough said!

Bury your face in another chapter of THE VIOLINIST! 


A change of destiny. 

Chapter 11

Armin.. the first one to ever find me twice. I sigh as i continue down the spiral staircase, smiling slightly for my self. If i ever got out of this mess i had to do something about it.. but i doubted that i would ever be able to move freely like i was used to. In one way that was a nice thought... no more running away... but at the same time it made me feel uncertain. My destiny was no longer in my own hands, but in the hands of the half mad king. I stop for a moment, but then i continue... down and down and down. 

'' Where are we going?'' Armin asks suddently behind me. I look over my shoulder and smile. '' Oh come on Armin... has it been so long that you dont even remember the one place where i feel safest?'' he seems to fall away for a moment but then he shakes his head, like he was waiking up from a bad dream. He looks at me like im crazy and grabs my shoulder before i can start walking again. '' Are you nuts? You know that the library will be filled with students of the kings guild! They barly allowed me... a city guard! To guard you!'' 

I smile as he continues, but i just shake my head. '' The students know what i can do... they know of my power! And they will keep their distance!'' 

Armin just shakes his head, and steps in front of me. '' At least let me do my job and lead you to it! i doubt that you no matter how good your tracking skills is will be able to find your way to it on your own!'' The last bit he nearly shouts at me. I just smile and nod. Armin turns again, obviously satisfied with my answer and continues to lead on. We go past another door before he finally stops in front of the second, he opens it and holds it for me so i can go through first. I smile and take a step through the door. I cant do anything but smile at the sight that meets me. 

The library of stars. 

'' A fitting name'' i think as i look around at the wonderous room with its pointy corners and small hideouts. The room is filled with bookshelves almost as high as the ceiling, and people buzzing around like little bees. I smile when i barly avoid a young boy dressed in the colors of the magic guild. He looks at me annoyed but as soon as he looks upon my face he clearly recognise me and turns away and keeps walking. I laugh quielty and turn around towards Armin who looks at me with a surprised expression. I smile at him and look around. '' Do you see Armin? Even the students know and fear my name!'' i know i shouldnt laugh... i know i shouldnt smile but i cant help it. 

Armin looks at me and shakes his head. '' Is that really what you want?'' he asks me. I shock my head and turn away. '' No... no it isnt.. it has never been and never will be... i only want to help... i entertain... yes i do have powers.. but i only use them when i have to!'' i say quietly and clench my fists. 

Armin lays a hand on my shoulder and walk past me. '' Come'' he whispers and drags me with him towards the center of the room where an elderly lady dressed in white robes sits behind a big wooden desk. I struggle to get free from Armins grip. '' What are you doing?'' i say trying to keep calm. '' No matter what relationship you and i have... i have to let the librarian know of your presence'' 

I shake my head again but i stop struggling and he releases me. We stop in front of the old ladys desk and Armin bows before her. '' Madam librarian, i am guardian of the woman known as the violinist.. she wishes to use your library'' he said carefully, all the time keeping an eye on the old woman. The old lady ignores us for another moment, but then she looks up from her book and looks at us and especially me. Thoose crazy blue eyes of hers just seems to dig themselfs into me, i cant seem to escape them. But then she looks away again and i feel like i can finally breath again. The old lady moves her attention over on Armin.

'' She is worthy...'' 

I look at Armin, quite confused. But he just bows before the old lady who once again have returned to her book. '' Thank you, wise librarian guardian of knowledge'' he says firmly before nodding to me and gesturing to me that its time to move away. I nod back and we start to walk over to one of the big book shelves. 

I smile and pull out one of the random books, standing on the shelve. '' The complete history of magic'' i read out aloud and turn towards Armin who studies me carefully. '' I cant believe they are letting me be here... i thought the king feared me..'' at this Armin just shakes his head. I look at him. '' What?'' i ask and smile weakly. '' Do you know what i believe Eirim?'' i shake my head in confusion. Armin smiles and gestures to the room around us. 

'' The king believes you can be of use'' he says quietly with a smile on his face.

I look at him with horror in my eyes. '' He says it with a smile on his face... like its something to be proud of..'' i shake my head and look down in the book still in my hands. I sigh and sit down on the floor with my back against the shelve. I dont know how long i will be able to have this opportunity so i start to read. Armin looks down at me for a second but then he just sighs and sits down beside me. 

'' How long are you planning to sit here?'' he asks after a couple of minutes. I shrug. '' Dont know... as long as i can before they come to bring me before the king again'' Armin looks at me, he clearly didnt know that. I smile weakly before i dive into the book again. 

'' It is no longer possible for me to change my own destiny... right now... it is in the hands of the king'' and just as i finish the doors to the library opens and revealed several black knights and leading them were Alex. 

It was time for my judgement. 


Soo... thanks for reading guys! Im not feeling quite well today so it may take a while before i get to write another part but oh well...... 

Happy new year then i guess :))))))) 

- Musicfireflie

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