2. It Was All an Illusion

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Current time- 2:00 a.m.

You lied awake in bed, half expecting Ashton to come join you, but as it became later and later, you knew it was just wishful thinking.

The rain tapped against the window, and thunder clashed loudly, shaking the whole house. Harsh bolts of lightning were scattered across the sky, making it even harder for you to sleep.

You tossed and turned for another hour or so, a pillow being held over your ears to block out the thunder outside. It helped surprisingly, the drowsiness overtook and you were almost asleep. That is until you heard a soft sound, the sound of someone humming.

It was faint, and with the storm outside it made it difficult to hear, but you know you heard it. Maybe it was Ashton? But then again, maybe it wasn't....


Slipping out of the soft sheets, you shivered when your body left the warmth of your bed. You quickly slid your slippers on your feet and threw a light night robe onto your shoulders.

You were about to walk out of your room, but stopped when you heard the fan in your room stop blowing, and saw that the light on your clock had went out. 'Great, power must be out.' Just your luck....

Grabbing a candle off your nightstand, you lit it and started to walk around the house. You walked down the stairs, and to the left you saw Ashton on the couch, sound asleep with his controller on his lap.

'Then, it couldn't have been him....' you thought to yourself.

You walked to the kitchen on your right and made yourself a glass of f/d. Maybe you had imagined it? Or maybe it was the storm? Various thoughts went through your head, and you were about to just forget about the whole thing.

Putting your now empty glass in the sink, you sighed as you knew you'd have to go back to your, once again, empty bed. But that's when you heard something else. This time, a small creak.

'It came from the living room.' you noted as you slowly crept towards the sound. When you entered the living room, it was hard to see since it was so dark. The only light being the flashes from outside, and the small flame from your candle. You walked a little closer to the fire place, and was startled when you felt your foot hit something.

Setting the candle on the floor, you carefully picked up the thing you had accidentally kicked. Right there on the floor was a doll. A doll that looked exactly like you. H/c hair, s/t skin, and a f/c dress. There's no way this was a coincidence...

'Funny, I don't remember having this... but it must be mine right?' You thought as you observed the strange button eyed doll sitting in front of the small secret door.

Remember when you said that Ashton had set you up in a nice house? Well that was true....In fact, the house was so large that the owner made it into an apartment. That's right, you had two neighbors.

When you and Ashton had first moved in, you immediately noticed the small sized door and begged him to open it. Ashton had cut around the outside of the door where it had been sealed off. You recall him pulling out a very peculiar key, but didn't think much of it since you were more curious about what was behind the door. When it was opened however, all you saw were bricks.

'So, how the hell did you get here?' Being curious, you traced your finger along the door, and that's when you heard the humming again. Only this time, louder.

Curious, you stood off the ground and grabbed the green vase you had that was sitting on the mantle of the fireplace. Flipping it upside down, the black key that unlocked the door fell into your hand. Crouching in front of the door, you inserted the key and twisted it.

Not really sure what you were expecting, you unlocked the small door. Instead of a bricked wall however, you saw a bright blue tunnel appear in front of you. It felt as if something was pulling you in, urging you to go inside. But the logical part of you knew better....

'Nope, no way.' you thought as you slammed the door shut, accidentally waking Ashton.

'Y/n? What are you doing up so late?' he asked with in a sleepy tone.

You whipped your head around and looked at him, unsure of what to say.

"Nothing." Was all that left your lips as you ran back upstairs, and into the comfort of your bed.

'Did I really just see that? No no, it's just late and I haven't slept. Yea, that's it.... Nothing to worry about.'

Those were your last thoughts as you finally succumbed to sleep. Whatever you saw, no, thought you saw. Was. not. real.

Unbeknownst to you, you had forgotten to lock the door back.....


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To be continued...
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