9. A New Companion

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Current Time- 5:42 p.m

" OW! MOTHERFUCKER-" you yelled, as a heavy bottle fell on your pinkie toe in the shower.

Since Ashton has left that morning, you had decided to do a little bit of self care. You really didn't feel like going through the whole ' sad and depressed girlfriend' stage, so you chose to do the opposite and better yourself.

You left the shower and wrapped a towel around your body, returning to your room and beginning to moisturize your legs. Your mind was focused on Ashton, and if things may truly be over for you. But your mind didn't stay on the subject long before you heard your door bell ringing.

Mustering up all the breath you could you yelled, "JUST A MINUTE" and finished getting dressed.
When you walked down the stairs and to your front door, you were a little surprised to see Wybie standing there.

" Oh, hey Wybie. Is everything alright?" you asked, with an eyebrow raised.

"I'm good, I'm good! Did I catch you at a bad time?" he asked, noticing your wet hair.

"Honestly, this whole day has been a bad time." you let out a small chuckle.

Wybie tilted his head at that. "What do you mean?"

"Ashton and I just aren't in the best of places right now..." you sighed, not giving any further detail. "

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that..." awkwardness filled the air as neither of you knew what to say after that, until Wybie finally spoke up. " Well, anyway.... The reason I stopped by was because of this." he said, tossing an object your way.

You fumbled, but nonetheless caught the object, and was shocked to see it was the doll you had given him previously.

"My grandma wouldn't take it, says it's cursed or something." He said with the roll of his eyes.

You looked down at the doll in your hands, the button eyes seeming to shine at you. Letting out a sigh, you said, "Guess I'm stuck with it then, huh?"

Wybie rubbed his hand behind his head sheepishly, " Sorry Y/n, I really tried to help."

"No, it's alright." you reassured him with smile. "You sure you don't want to come inside for a minute?" you offered, once again.

For a second, he seemed to contemplate coming in. But your hopes lessened when he said, " No, sorry y/n. I just can't."

You noticed the saddened look on his face, and usually you wouldn't have, but this time you actually decided to ask him about it.

" Wybie, a few days ago, you said that your grandma had stopped renting to couples..... why is that?"

Wybie sighed and turned away from you, not wanting to meet your gaze.

"A few years ago, maybe five or so, there was a couple that lived here. The Burton's... they'd lived here for a few months and seemed like the perfect couple....but one day, Mrs. Burton just vanished."

"Vanished?" You said confusedly, urging him to continue.

" Yeah, everyone blamed it on Mr Burton. Rumor is, Mrs. Burton was having an affair and when her husband found out, he murdered her out of rage, it's never really been confirmed though....To this day, they still have no idea where Mrs. Burtons body is located."

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