4. Atticus

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A/n: 'y/f/f' means 'your favorite food.'

Extra long chapter for y'all<3

Crawling through the small door, you could feel your palms and knees sinking down into the soft, cushion like, tunnel. It almost felt as if the tunnel had no bottom to it.

As you got closer, you could smell fresh food being cooked. And when you reached the small door on the other side, all worries about the tunnel left your mind.

Pushing the door open, you were surprised to see.....

the sight of the room you had just left?

'That doesn't make sense... how did I leave my living room, and then end up right back in it?'

At first glance the room did seem the same, but something was different. The walls seemed to have more color to them, there were more decorations around the room, and everything just looked better.

You glanced back towards the small door you crawled out of. 'Maybe I should go back? This is a little weird...'  you thought to yourself with uncertainty.

As if on cue, you heard humming. You whipped your head towards the door of the kitchen, as it seemed to be where the sound was coming from. The door was ajar and lights from the kitchen seeped into the living room, almost calling you towards it.

When you entered the kitchen, it looked like the same one from your home, though again with slight differences. The fridge and microwave were in the same place, and your dining room table even remained the same. However there was one thing that had drastically changed....

You don't recall having a cook?

There at the stove, stood a male with his back turned to you. You noticed how extremely tall this guy seemed, he had charcoal black hair and wore a tight black tee with some grey sweatpants.

You weren't sure what he was cooking, but god it smelt like heaven. Deciding to finally make your presence known, you let out a small cough, causing the male to stop his humming and halt his movements.

"Um, excuse me sir?" you said softly, not wanting to alarm the man.

When the male finally turned towards you, your heart dropped when you saw his face. A sharp jawline, smooth pale skin, straight white teeth, and black button eyes? Although there were some very obvious differences, you couldn't help but think he looked a little like Ashton. You were sure the shock was evident on your face.

"Y/n dear, I didn't hear you come in." he said, sending you a warm smile.

'Wtf do you even say in a situation like this?! Wait why does it sound like he was expecting me? He also knows my name....And what's with the buttons..' you rambled on and on in your head.

The dark haired male let out a small chuckle, "Uh oh, cat got your tongue already?" he asked.

Snapping out of your thoughts, you finally answered him.

"O-oh! No I just um- sorry for staring, I've just never seen someone with uh..." you mumbled while pointing at your eyes.

'Shit, I don't want to offend him...'

"Buttons?" he finished for you. Instead of looking offended like you thought, he kept the small smile on his face.

He stepped closer to you, and you were about to take a few steps back, but ultimately decided against it. The man gently grabbed your right hand, placing it to his lips and giving it a quick kiss.

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