3. F*ck it. Why not?

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8:09 a.m

Some time throughout the night the rain had stopped, and now sunny skies were shining through your window.

You rolled over so that your eyes weren't facing the bright sun, but when you did, you saw the doll from the night before looking at you, causing your head to stir with thoughts about last night.

'Surely I didn't dream it, right? Maybe I should just forget about it....' you thought. The rational part of you wanted to shrug it off, but the curious side of you told you to dig further.

Deciding not to waste anymore time on the matter, you let the incident leave your mind and carried on with your day.


Current time - 12:37 p.m.

"Dammit, they mixed it up again?" You complained to yourself as you glanced at the misplaced mail lying on your doorstep.

Often, you would receive mail for a "Sir, Bobinski"  You guessed it was the neighbor that lived upstairs from you. The reason you say "guessed" is because you've never actually met the guy, he was very mysterious in a way. Two whole months you've lived here, and you haven't laid eyes on him once.

Placing your mail inside, you shut the door and headed for the stairs that lead to the upstairs apartment. You would always knock, just in case he answered, but no one ever did so you usually just left it by the door.

You lightly knocked on the door, but you knew no one would answer, so you bent down and was about to place the mail on the doorstep, but then it opened.

Your eyes widened, surprised that someone had actually opened the door. You stood up, his mail clutched tightly in your hand, you weren't sure why you were so nervous? Or maybe excited?

You stood there a minute, just looking at him, and well..... he was just an ordinary guy. He only looked a few years older. He had blonde hair and looked sleepy with the bags under his eyes. He seemed exhausted and smelt strongly of alcohol. As rough as this guy looked though, you couldn't deny he was in great shape.

Realizing how long you had been staring at him, you grew embarrassed and held his mail out to him.

" Sir Bobinski? I believe this is yours?" you asked.

He looked down at the papers in your hand, and took them from you. He didn't say anything and instead looked at you with an annoyed expression. You were going to walk away, but then he spoke up.

"Thanks. Hey, by any chance, is your name y/n?"

Now that was surprising. How does a stranger you've never met before know your name? Sure he was your neighbor, but it still freaked you out a little.

"Yes?" You said questioningly, hoping he'd tell you why he was asking.

"Hm, how odd..." he muttered to himself, his attitude seeming curious.

Changing his whole demeanor, Bobinski sent you a dashing smile and said, " Welcome to the neighborhood y/n." before retreating back into his house.

'What a weird guy...'


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