20. Nightmares

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⚠️ Warning ⚠️
This chapter contains blood and violence. If these themes disturb you, I suggest you skip this chapter.

With Ashton...

It was late, around midnight or so, when Ashton finally returned to the pink palace. He hadn't planned on being out so long, but oh well, it is what it is...

He walked up the porch steps, stepping up to the door before twisting the knob and walking in.

He immediately noticed how all the lights in the house were off, seeming as if no one was here at all...

'Did she leave....already?' he thought, still not hearing a sound throughout the house.

"Y/n?" he called out, only to hear the sound of his own voice echo through the empty house.

He started to check upstairs -to see if you were in the bathroom- but stopped before he could make it up the first step. What caught his attention, was the faint sight of a blue light in his peripheral vision.

And it was coming from the small door in the living room wall...

Ashton walked into the living room, heading straight for the door and looking shocked at what he saw.

Before him, was a long blue tunnel that appeared to be almost magical. And sure enough, it was the same tunnel that you had grown oh-so-familiar with.

"What.... What the hell is this?" he uttered to himself, not believing what he was seeing.

Ashton made a move to close the door, wanting nothing more than to lock it up forever and forget about it. But he stopped when he heard a voice calling his name from inside the tunnel.

His eyes widened in shock, as he perched his head down to look straight through the tunnel. A little door, similar to the one Ashton was currently looking through, could be seen sitting at the end of the tunnel. But still, there was no sign of the person or thing that had called his name...

"Ashhtoonnn" it called out again, almost in a whisper.

Ashton raised a brow in confusion, startled by the fact that he instantly recognized the voice that said his name.

" Y/n? Is that you?" Ashton yelled out warily, seemingly highly suspicious of this whole situation.

It was your voice, there was no questioning that. But..... why would you crawl into some random hole in the wall? It didn't make sense...

"Ashton..." it called out, once more. " H-help me..."

Ashton got on his knees, entering the first half of his body into the tunnel.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" he called out again, his voice lacing with more worry and fear at every second.

No response.

"Fuck!" Ashton silently cursed to himself. He shouldn't be doing this at all. Why did he care if you were actually in there? You cheated on him, so why should he come to your rescue now?

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