The End (Good)

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"Where's Ashton?"

The words seemed to fall out of your mouth with ease, though something told you the answer would be very complicated.

Atticus looked at you, before letting out a sigh, already knowing you'd ask him the inevitable question. He held your hand, coercing you to step further into the living room and closer to the sofa.

"You may want to sit for this..." he suggested, taking a seat on the couch himself, while he waited for you to do the same.

You took a deep and rather unsteady breath, before making your way onto the couch next to him. You sat on the opposite end, putting a little distance between the two of you, as you watched Atticus twiddle his thumbs nervously.

You had a feeling the answer you were about to get, was not going to be a pleasant one...

"So...?" you asked, though it came out more like a hushed whisper.

Atticus faced forward, though he kept his eyes on you, preparing for any kind of reaction you were about to give.

"Listen Y/n, the words I'm about to say may come across as harsh.... but you need to know the truth." He said, watching as your expression became more wary with every word. "Ashton's gone. You won't ever have to worry about him again, its as simple as that..."

Silence crept through the air after those words were said. Sure, maybe a small part of you knew that something like this would be the answer, but still..... hearing it just felt too unreal.

"Gone? Just gone?" you said in disbelief. " He's dead.....isn't he?" you finally asked, your throat drying up as the question spilled from your mouth.

Atticus' silence and intense gaze was enough to answer your question.

You kept yourself together as best you could, and no visible tears could be seen in your eyes. But Atticus knew. He knew just by looking at you...

You were about to break.

"Oh god..." you uttered under your breath, standing from the couch and raking a hand through your (h/c) hair roughly as you paced the room. "I know you said you'd help.... But this?! I didn't think you'd do something as crazy as this?!" you said in a panic, your chest rising and falling rapidly at the realization of what had been done. "Oh god... does that make me a murderer? An accomplice?! Oh no, nononono...."

Atticus watched you pace the room in a frenzy, a part of him feeling guilty for making you feel such a way. But unfortunately, the parts of him that felt relieved by Ashton's death were a lot stronger.

You stopped your pacing and looked at Atticus, tears threatening to spill from your eyes at any second.

"How can you be so calm?" you asked, looking at his dark eyes and stoic expression.

"Y/n." he said, rising from the sofa and walking towards you, until he stood a mere foot away. " I told you before.... there isn't a damned thing in this world I wouldn't do for you." he said sternly while placing a finger under your jaw, to keep you from looking away. " He was a problem. One that was keeping me from you, and I simply couldn't let that continue to happen..."

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