The End (Bad)

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"Where's Ashton?"

If Atticus was here and Ashton wasn't.... it was likely that the answer you were about to hear would be grim. But still, you had to be sure.

Atticus took your hand while giving you a soft smile, before he started walking away and leading you to the kitchen.

"Let's have a drink..." he said with a sigh. "You might want to relax a little before I tell you this."

Flashes from the previous night went through your head -remembering how he tricked and drugged you- making you instantly pull your hand away from Atticus'. You shook your head 'no', a frightened look on your face as you brought your hands closer to your chest.

"No, I don't want a drink. I just want the truth." you said sternly, taking a small step back.

Atticus stopped, and turned around to face you. He bit his lower lip as his face seemed perplexed, almost like he wasn't sure how to say his next words.

"You want to know the truth? it is." he said, looking straight into your (e/c) eyes with a stoic expression. " I killed him. He's dead, and out of our lives... for good." he said, trying his best to hide the smile that threatened to form on his face.

The words rung through your head like a bell...and yet, you still couldn't bring yourself to believe them.

"Y-you killed him?" you asked in a daze, still not wanting to accept the reality of the situation. Sure, you knew you were technically the one that had asked for the truth, but now that you had it.... you weren't sure you wanted it at all.

Atticus slowly stepped closer to you, noticing the tears that began to well within your eyes, until he finally got close enough to pull you into an embrace.

"Shhh" he coaxed, wrapping a hand around the back of your head and guiding it to rest on his chest. "I know it hurts now, but I promise'll pass. Everything will be okay; we will be okay." he cooed, playing with the (h/l) strands of your (h/c) hair.

You stood there, feeling the soft tugs on your hair while the tears from your eyes continued to dampen Atticus' shirt. Thoughts and memories of Ashton filled your head, some good and some bad. You knew you and Ashton didn't have the greatest relationship, and maybe that's why you felt so.... guilty.

Because you knew, all of this was your fault.

"No...." you said, though it came out sounding like a mumble.

"What?" Atticus asked, not catching what you said.

If you hadn't crawled into that damned tunnel in the first place, if your stupid curiosity hadn't gotten the better of you, none of this would have happened! Ashton would still be alive, and you wouldn't be on the verge of becoming homeless!

This really was... all your fault.

"No. No, no, no!" you shouted, pushing Atticus away from you and shaking your head frantically. "None of this is okay?! I know I asked for your help... but I didn't think you'd murder someone!!" you yelled, somewhat in anger but mostly in fear. "Oh god, what have I done..."

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