18. Finders Keepers

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You quickly stood off the floor, and made your way up the stairs, a sour expression on your face as you did so.

As you ascended the steps your thoughts were red, feeling nothing but agitation for the man you were about to see.

When you reached the top, you marched towards your bedroom and barged into the room, not caring enough to knock.

Ashton -who was currently sitting in bed looking at his laptop- gave a shocked look at your sudden intrusion before raising a brow.

"Y/n? What are yo-"

"Did you lock it?" you asked, interrupting him before he could say anything.

"What?" he said confusedly, looking at you as if you were crazy.

" I said, did you lock it?" you repeated, your voice taking a sterner tone.

Ashton sat there for a moment, stupefied, before seeming to get lost in thought. He thought about anything he could have possibly locked recently, when finally.... Only one thing came to mind.

"If you're talking about the small door in the living room, then yes. I locked it." he said calmly, before focusing his attention back to his laptop and typing away on his keyboard . " I thought I saw some mice trying to hide in it."

"Where's the key?" you asked, making Ashton put a halt to his writing and narrow his eyes at you.

"Why?" he asked, finding your whole demeanor and interest for this key quiet....suspicious.

"What's it to you?" you asked, shrugging your shoulders and making yourself seem as casual as possible. "Just tell me where it is, I'll get it."

"What do you want it for?" Ashton asked, pressing you to answer again.

" I really don't see why you care so much..." you said, rolling your eyes with a huff. " Just hurry up and tell me." you said again, keeping your cool and trying not to lose your patience.

"No. Not until you tell me why you want it!" Ashton said stubbornly, raising his voice and making you feel as if you were arguing with a child.

"Ugh, fine!" you shouted, throwing your hands in the air before storming out of the bedroom.

You went back down the stairs -just as empty handed as you had been when you went up- and headed straight to the living room.

You plopped down onto the couch, letting out a frustrated sigh, as you thought about your plans.

'Atticus probably thinks I totally bailed on him...' you thought disappointingly, as your lips tugged downwards.

You lied down on the couch, your body lying sideways, while your eyes bore into the small door on the wall.

You lied there for a few minutes, unmoving, and never allowing your eyes to stray from the door.

'Was that really....it?' you thought sadly, thinking about how unfortunate things had turned out.

That was your last conversation with Atticus.

After all that had happened, after all you'd done, it was just going to end like this...?


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