13. Jealously

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After the film....

Since you both drove separately, Wybie persisted on you texting him as soon as you returned home, to let him know you were safe. You thought it was a bit much, but you weren't going to complain about your friend being concerned for you. So, here you were.....

1:15 a.m
Y/n: Hey, I just made it home! Thanks for inviting me, I had a great time! We should definitely do that more often!!

You meant what you said, you did have a fun time with Wybie, and was ultimately glad you had went out. Being cooped up in the house for so long, was really starting to take a toll on your mental state. You couldn't imagine how Atticus managed to stay sane... (hehe)

Letting out a sigh, you took off your jacket and tossed your keys on the table. All the lights on the house were off and it was extremely quiet, almost too quiet.

When you walked into your living room, your eyes glanced over towards the empty couch and the colorless TV.

'Ashton would usually be snoozing there, right about this time...' you thought, with a small frown on your face.

Pulling your phone back out from your pocket, you quickly scrolled through your list of contacts until you found the one you were looking for.

Calling: Ashton<3

'Come on, please pick up....' you thought as you sat down on the couch. The phone continued to ring and ring, until you finally heard the dial tone end.

Your heart filled with excitement at the chance that he had actually answered. However, that hope soon diminished...

I'm sorry, but the person you're trying to reach is-

"Never mind..." you said to yourself, deflated. You checked the clock on your phone, and sighed upon realizing the time.

'It is pretty late.... I'll try again tomorrow.' you thought, turning your phone off and tossing it onto the seat beside you.

You sat there, thinking about your current predicament and let out a sigh.

You now had to accept, that you may be nearing the end of your relationship. You didn't really want to end things with Ashton, after all, you'd loved him for years....but you also knew it would probably be for the best. Well, for you at least...

Your thoughts of Ashton stopped when your eyes glazed over towards the small shaped door in your living room, that now appeared to be halfway open.

You raised a brow, recalling your actions from before you left the house.

'Hm, must've accidentally left it open...' you thought, without much care.

'Now that I think about it, I did promise to come see him again whenever I got home...'  you remembered with a sigh.

It's not that you didn't want to see Atticus, but it was late and you weren't sure how much longer you could remain awake.

"Oh well, can't go back on my word now... can I?" you said to yourself as you began to stoop towards the floor and crawl through the blue tunnel.

When you made it to the other side of the tunnel, you expected Atticus to be either upstairs or vacant from the house, like the two previous times.

But this time, he wasn't....

Instead, you found the male in the living room, placed in the same spot you had left him earlier. He was reading a book - not that you could see what it was- but quickly put it down upon noticing your arrival.

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