Chapter 2

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I look out into the sea. The waves crash onto the shore. It's color a beautiful sea green, just like Percy's eyes...ugh! Why can't I ever get him out of my head? My crush, Percy Jackson, had  to come to the beach this morning, just had  to. He wasn't in my head this morning when I was planning to take my girlfriend, Piper, out to the beach for a picnic after breakfast. Although, I didn't see Percy at breakfast. I think I overheard Percy say he over slept.

That isn't like Percy though. He's always up and ready for breakfast. Must have been really tired. 


Piper and Percy come back from their little private talk. Piper was grinning ear-to-ear and Percy was laughing and waving bye to Piper. 

I cling onto the beautiful sound of Percy's laugh. I wish I had been the one to make him laugh, not Piper. 

Piper sits back down on the blanket and looks at the water. 

"Jason, I need to say something we've both been thinking lately," she says. I nod. "I...I think we should break up. I don't love you like I used to anymore, and...I don't think you do either." 

I wasn't expecting this. I shake my head. "You're right, I don't."

 She smiles. "I'm just glad we could settle this before it became a real problem." I nod, then I smirk. "So...who took my place in your wonderful heart?"

Piper blushes. "O-oh, um. No one specific." I raise an eyebrow at her very suspicious response. She sighs. "Fine. I, uh, like Annabeth." 

I choke on my own spit. I cough. 

"Jason! Are you alright?"

 I nod. "I-I thought Annabeth was dating Percy?" She smiles. "No, Percy likes someone else...he's going to break up with her right now." 

My heart jumps, but then slowly sinks back down. "Oh...So, who's the lucky girl?" Piper just laughs. "More like lucky guy, and that's not my business to tell."

 My heart jumps again, and the lump in my throat slowly fades. "R-really?" 

She nods. "Sooo. Who do you like, because you weren't very heart broken when I broke up with you. Spill."

 I can feel my face grow red and hot. "U-um." I sigh, "P-Percy." I look down at the blanket. Piper squeals in the way she does when she really knows someone's in love, and is already making it a ship. 

I playfully hit her arm. "So, double confession, let's say...Thursday?" Piper looks at me and laughs. "Yeah right, you're gonna chicken out. That's only in two days." 

I look into her eyes, big mistake. They turned a bright sea green. "I'll do it tomorrow if I have to." 

"Alright, do it tomorrow, then. If you confess to Percy, I'll confess to Annabeth," she says with a big grin and holds out her hand. I take it and shake. "Deal, but if you don't confess I get to plan you're confession for you." 

"Same goes to you."


          Sorry for another short chapter, but it's really late, and I have to make cupcakes tomorrow for my birthday! I'll try to make the next chapter a little longer. If you have any requests for any fluff or LIGHT smut, because I'm not really good at it, feel free to comment what your dirty-ass needs are.

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