Chapter 7

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I don't care that a group hug just dropped for me. I care about why Jason was worried about me. 

He doesn't love  me, does he?

 I look at Annabeth. "Why'd he go to you when he could've dropped it when I told him I was fine?"

 Annabeth sighs. "Because he cares, Percy, he really does. When I told him about what he used to do to you, I saw him wipe away a tear. I know you don't think you have a chance with him, but, I think he really cares."

I smile. "Thanks Annie, but I don't know. Piper broke up with him, and he's been really close to me lately, but I just don't think he's interested in me."

 Annabeth just smiles sadly and mumbles something under her breath.

 "What did you say?"

 "Nothing, just I don't think you know what you're saying." 

I sigh. "Maybe not."

I walk to my cabin. I close the door behind me and lock the door.

 I turn around a lean against the door. I start crying and slide down the door. I open a drawer by the door and take out a knife.

 "Nobody ever really cared about me anyways." I glide the blade across my skin. I want to scream, but all those years of Gabe doing it to me made me silent. Blood runs down me arm as I switch the hand holding the knife. I slice my other arm, tears falling down my face. "They won't care, they won't know." I wipe off the knife on my clothes and put it back in the drawer.

I stand up, but stumble a bit. "Dhat teree ki!" My blood is all over the floor and my arms. I use the wall to steady myself. I take a step towards my bathroom, but the world around me fades to black. I feel my feet slip out from under me and I fall.


I wake up, but keep my eyes closed. If there are people are there, I don't want to see their pitiful looks. 

I feel a hand gently squeeze mine. I open my eyes slightly. I turn to the side of which my hand is being squeezed. Jason is there, half asleep, holding my hand while resting his head on my bed. 

My arms are bandaged, and I'm in the infirmary. A needle is poking out of my other arm, and a tube is connected to it. The tube leads to a bag of fluids. Will is in the corner of the room, talking to the seven, with Nico, excluding Jason. 

A clock on a bedside table said it was 5:30, almost time for dinner. 

I reach over with my free arm, and place it on Jason's head. I play with his hair. I squeeze his hand in my own. Jason's head stirs and looks up. I pull my hand away and smile. 

"Oh Percy," he whispers.

 I lower my head. 

He hugs my side. "I never want to let go." 

I feel my cheeks flush. Annabeth catches my eye and runs over. "Oh my Gods, Percy! Never do that again, you scared me, you scared all of us! I love you so much," she hugs me when Jason finally lets go.

Everybody else walks over to my bedside.

 I smile at them and they smile back. 

"So, Percy. You've been on fluids for about three hours, and you've had some nectar and ambrosia. I think you are good to go for today. I would like you to check in with me tomorrow morning though, just to make sure everything's okay." Will says from behind a clip board.

 I smile and look over at Jason. "Are we still on for tonight?" I mouth to him. 

He nods and smiles. 

I sit up, making the blood rush to my head. I lay back down a bit. Jason looks at me, worried. Or maybe that's just wishful thinking. 

"Are you okay?" 

I nod. "Just a little dizzy." He nods slowly and holds out his hand. I take it and blush a little. He pulls me up and makes sure I am steady. 

"Come on, we are going to your cabin so you can get ready for dinner."


         Hiii! This chapters a little sad but, who doesn't like crying over a book, right? Now that I know that Jercy4LIFE_1013 speaks Hindi I'm actually scared that I might write something wrong in translation from English to Hindi, even though I check multiple times to make sure it's right, lol. Thanks for the views! I love you, my little demigods, mortals, or immortals. <3

"If you want to write, you have to believe yourself and not give up." - Uncle Rick.

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