Chapter 3

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I walk away from the beach laughing and waving at Piper. 

Where would Annabeth be right now? 

 I figure she's probably in Athena cabin with her siblings, or something. 

~~ <--time skips

When I get to Athena cabin I knock on the door. Malcom, Annabeth's brother, opens the door. "Oh, hey Percy. What's up?"

 I smile. "Is Annabeth in there?" He looks behind his shoulder. "Um, no, I think she went to go train."

 "Okay, thank you." 

Malcom nods and closes the door.

I walk to the training arena, where I see Annabeth basically strangling a training dummy with no mercy. Makes me just so much more excited to break up with her while she's at her deadliest. But I have to, for Piper, for Jason, although he doesn't know I'm doing this for him. I walk towards her, but still at a good distance away.  "Hey, Annabeth." 

She turns around, and puts her dagger up to my throat. "Oh, hey Seaweed Brain. Glad to see you up."

I fiddle with my fingers. "Um, can we talk? Please leave the dagger behind, haha." She looks at me weird, but puts her knife down. "Yeah, sure, what's wrong?"

 "Um, let's go sit down, Annie." She nods and threads her hands into mine. It makes me cringe, I don't want to break her heart. I have to though, I don't love her like that anymore. I love her like a sister.

We sit down at a picnic bench, facing the sand volleyball court, and the Big House. I let go of her hand. 

"Percy, what's wrong?" She puts her hand on my leg.

 I sigh. "I-I...I, um, I think we should break up. I-I don't love you like I did. I love you like a sister..." I cringe at my own words. There goes the golden child of the Gods. There goes Percy Jackson, the hero who always wins, who gets the girl. Nope, not anymore. He got the girl, but wants the guy.

"Oh...Percy." I look up at her and she's smiling? "Thank you for telling me how you feel, Seaweed Brain. I was planning on breaking up with you tomorrow, but I guess you beat me to it." 

Wait. She didn't like me either? 

"Percy? Did you hear me?" 

I look at her. "No, sorry I was spacing out." She laughs. "I said I like someone else, a-a girl." I widen my eyes. 

She's like me. Damsel, (not really) in distress, who gets the guy for a lover. She got the guy, but wants the girl.

I smile. "Oh, really? Who?"

 "No way! I'll tell if you tell yours."

 I blush. Jason Stupid-Handsome-Face Grace is getting broken up with right now, just like me and Annabeth. Jason with his stupid, perfect blonde hair, and his stupid, perfect, beautiful blue eyes, and that stupid scar on his lip that only makes him look more handsome.

"U-um, Jason." 

She looks at me with a bewildered look an her face. "Jason? I would have thought you liked a different girl.

There it is, Percy Jackson, saver of Olympus, should always love a girl, right? Wrong. He likes a guy. 

I smile. "Yeah, he got the best of me." She laughs again. "You really do have a type, don't you Seaweed Brain?" 

"What do you mean?" 

"You have a type. Me and Jason are both blonde. You're a sucker for blondes!"

 I laugh. I guess do. 

"Well, I told you my crush. So who's yours?" 

Annabeth turns into a tomato. "Oh, um. Well, I have to get back to training-" I grab her arm. "No you don't! I told you confidential information. Tell me yours." She sits back down. "Fine! I like Piper." I smile, and almost yell out in joy, but I refrain myself in doing so. "Really?" I ask, excitedly. She nods, covering her face to hid the blush. You can still see her ears, and they are a scarlet red.

"Now you can go back to training." I let go off her arm. She runs off towards the arena, her face still red as a tomato still. I laugh. 

Glad that went well, and that she didn't tear me to shreds.


My cabin is really boring. Like all people do when they're bored, I fell asleep.

~~ this is a dream ~~

<Hello dear> Aphrodite appears in front of me. 

<Go away! I don't want to do anything for you!> I yell. 

I get a closer look at her. I haven't seen her since that time where she pulled me in her car and made me hold a mirror for her. Back then she looked like Annabeth. Blonde hair and stormy gray eyes. Now, she has brighter, blonder hair, and electrifying blue eyes. Just like Jason's. 

<Now, now. I don't want you to do anything for me. I just want to know if the rumors are true,> she says.

  <What rumors?> 

She smiles. <Rumor on Olympus is that a certain son of Poseidon fell for a certain son of Jupiter, or Zeus, whatever you want to call him> 

My heart drops to my stomach. I should've known that the Gods would try to pry their way to my life again.

 <Now, I do say, I ship it. I'm sorry your first love did not work out with, what's her name? Annabelle?> 

<Annabeth> I correct bitterly. 

<Ah, yes, Annabeth. If I know the truth about who you do like, then I can work wonders for you. Your poor little heart won't have to suffer anymore.>

I consider it, for a couple seconds. <No> 


 <I said no. If I tell you, you will probably tell my dad and Zeus. Plus, I don't want your love magic, the love won't be real, it will be a fake mask. I don't want that.>

 <Very well. I hope you do eventually find a lover, you are too good looking to not get one someday. I will see you again in the future.> 

Aphrodite disappears.

~~the dream ended~~

Stupid bitch. I'm guessing Zeus sent her for more information. He's also a stupid, no, he's an idiotic bitch. My dad, on the other hand, he's just a bitch. I mean, at least he didn't marry Hera, then couldn't keep his dick in his pants, causing a lot of mortal ladies to die. At least he only had one kid. Well, Zeus had one kid as a Greek, and then another kid as a Roman with the same woman. Still, he's idiotic. But, I'm glad he went back, because then Jason wouldn't be alive today.

I hear the conch horn blow in the distance. 

It's already time for lunch?


         Alright. I had to end it there because I wanted to get another chapter in today, but I have other things to do. So Jercy4LIFE_1013 requested fluff AND smut, so I will put that in there in the next chapters. I would also like to say that this story will be a longer one. Closer to about 15-20 parts, so enjoy the story slowly. Thank you! 

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