Chapter 18

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Percy stands up and leaves his food. I look at Will and Nico. I give them a small smile, and get up to catch up to Percy. "What do you think they are gonna do to us?" 

"I don't know, but knowing Camp Half Blood it's probably something bad."

When we get to the Big House, Chiron is waiting for us at the front porch. 

"Hello." Percy smiles. 

"Hello, Chiron. Um, why did Mr. D call us here?" 

Chiron glances behind my shoulder. "It is better if we discuss this inside."

Mr. D walks behind me. "You kids want a coke?" We both shake our heads. "Okay. I would offer wine, but, I'm still cursed to stay with you wretched kids."

 "Dionysus, now is not the time." Chiron says, opening the door to his room.   

"Sit," he says, motioning to two chairs already set up. We sit, looking at each other. 

Percy looks at me with worry in his eyes. "U-um, what's wrong?"

 Chiron sighs. Mr. D sips his coke loudly. "Your parents want to see you. Don't ask me why, but, they have...problems they need to resolve. I'm having Sally pick you up." Percy smiles at the mention of his mom. I frown. 

What problems?

"Have you had any contact with the Gods recently?" Mr. D asks. Percy looks at me.

 "Um, Aphrodite invaded my dream the other day, and, uh, was asking me questions."

 Chiron looks at me.

 "Um, same, but with Venus instead of Aphrodite." 

Chiron nods his head slowly. "Then I'm sure that Aphrodite was a little nicer about it?"

 I nod quickly. "She was really desperate. She tried to charmspeak me into telling her, but I refused." 

"May I ask what information she was trying to get?" he asks. 

Percy sighs. "She was asking if we liked each other. Of course I didn't answer, because they don't interfere with my personal life otherwise. So, they don't need to know that." 

Chiron looks at me. "Same with you?" I nod. 

A fawn-satyr is waiting patiently at the door. "U-um, sir? There's a mortal woman claiming that her son is in here, and needs to be picked up. What should we do?" 

Chiron looks over his shoulder. "Leave her, she's supposed to be here, thank you George." The small satyr bows and turns to leave. "George?" 

He turns again. "Yes, sir?" 

Chiron smiles. "Please tell her we will be there in a minute." 

"Yes, sir." George says and turns to leave again.

Chiron turns back to us. "Percy, does your mother know?" 

Percy looks at him with a puzzled look. Chiron chuckles. The sound sending a warm feeling through the air. "I mean about your new relationship. Or the old one." 

"Oh, wait. How do you know?" Percy says, his tone questioning. 

Mr. D laughs. "I have heard rumors, also I have a few eyes around." The way Mr. D pronounces eyes, tells that he probably means Argus, the camps security guard and driver. 

"Well, no, I haven't. I will tell her today though." Percy says. 

Chiron nods. "Go on then, Sally is waiting."  


We step outside of the camp's magical border.

 Sally is waiting outside her car. "Percy! Oh, I haven't seen you in ages!" She pulls her son into a hug. 

"Hey Mom. How's Estelle?" 

Sally smiles into the embrace. "She's good! She took her first few steps to Paul the other day!" 

Percy smiles. "Really? That's amazing!" 

She pulls away and kisses Percy on the forehead. "I have her with me, if you want to say hi. Paul has work and I couldn't find a babysitter." Percy nods and looks into the car window. 

Sally turns to me and smiles warmly. "Hello! I don't think I've meet you before. Are you one of Percy's friends?" 

I swallow. "Um, yeah." 

"Oh, good. I'm Sally Jackson by the way." 

I smile. "I'm Jason Grace, it's really nice to meet you." 

"Same to you!" she says. 

Percy comes walking to me with a small child, about the age of 2. "estele, yah jesan hai! hailo kahen! Jason, this is Estelle, my baby sister."

 I smile. Estelle coos, waving her small hands at me. "Hello, Estelle." 

Sally looks at Percy. "Percy, put her back in the car. We are leaving soon." Percy smiles. 


 He takes Estelle back to the car. Sally claps her hands. "Okay, we should get going. Percy, you are sitting in the back with your friend!" 

I look over at Percy, who is halfway into the front seat. I laugh. Percy grins, his pearly white teeth blinding in the sun.

"Come on, Jason!" he yells.

 I walk over to Percy's side of the car, Sally following. Percy climbs into the middle seat, next to Estelle's car seat. I climb in after him. I strap my seatbelt in and close the door to the car.

 "Okay, everybody ready?" Percy and I nod. "Okay then, to Olympus!" 

I smile. "Your mom's really cool." I whisper. Percy smiles and threads his hand into mine.

 "Yeah, she sure is." 

"Say, Jason?"

 I hum in response. 

"Were you the one who asked if I could mail you some blue cookies?"

 I laugh. "Yes, I was, Mrs. Jackson." 

She smiles. "Please, call me Sally. May I ask why?"

 I look at Percy. He nods. "Um, Mom. I have something to tell you." 

Sally nods. "Jason...isn't just a friend. Um, he's my....boyfriend. We both have liked each other for a long time. He asked you to mail him some cookies because he knew they are my favorite. He used them as a snack at a picnic on the beachside when he asked me out."

She smiles. "Well, isn't that sweet! I support you guys!" 

Percy lets out a sigh. "Thanks, Mom."

 "It's no problem, Percy." 

I smile and squeeze Percy's hand. I wish I could tell Mom. But she isn't here, she's dead and she never really cared about me anyways.  I guess I could tell Thalia the next time she visits. 


          Hiii! I hope you liked this chapter! Just a warning, the next few chapters are VERY sad. I will be updating this story again today but it might be really late at night, (or early in the morning, depending where you are.) If I don't get it in by tonight then I will tomorrow morning for you guys. If I'm feeling productive today then I might post two chapters, idk how I'm feeling about it right now though. Thanks for the follows and views! I love you, my little mortals, demigods, and immortals! <3

"If you want to write, you have to believe in yourself and not give up." -Uncle Rick.

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