Chapter 11

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I take bites from the strawberries Jason got me. Nothing to hard to eat. Hopefully I don't throw it up later. I just really wasn't feeling well. Like, all the sudden I got a really bad feeling, like something horrible was gonna happen. Guess the nerves just got the best of me.

 Part of me, (the part of my brain that believes Jason is my imaginary boyfriend,) was gonna toss me an apple. Stupid little old me. 

When I said that strawberries are my favorite fruit, I wasn't kidding. I could sit and eat them until my stomach hurt. 

Jason has a salad. He's always eating something healthy. It kind of makes me feel bad about how I eat, when I do eat. I am so unhealthy. But, that's just how I was raised. My mom and I couldn't afford the organic stuff and often had to microwave ourselves food, even then, we were low on food. 

"Percy, you're staring. Is everything alright?"

 I smile. "Yeah, I'm fine."

 "Okay, just making sure," he says, taking another bite of salad. 

 I look at Annabeth eating her pulled pork sandwich. I eat my last strawberry, and stand up. "I'm gonna go to my cabin." 

Annabeth nods and Jason smiles.

 "Be careful." 

I nod. I walk over to the Aphrodite table, looking for Piper. "Hey Pipes, are you done eating?"

 The other campers around her start whispering excitedly. 

"Just about, why?"

 "I need your help. Meet me at my cabin after you are done eating." She nods.

 I turn to walk to my cabin, and the Aphrodite campers start squealing and giggling. I walk to my cabin.

 I open the door and step over the bloody mess. 

I hop on to my bed. I urge the water to rush over to the door. A path of water leads to the floor and the walls. Even the drawer....that drawer. 

It's open? 

I walk over to the drawer after it got done being washed by the water. I look inside and the knife wasn't where I put it. Jason. Jason was here. That's how I got to the infirmary.

 I put my hands through my hair. I shake my head. I close the drawer. 


Someone knocks at my door.

 "Come in!" I yell. 

Piper opens the door. "Hey Perce. What's up?" 

I smile and pat the spot next to me. She sits.

 "Is Jason still at dinner?" 

She shakes her head. "He left a little bit before me.

 "Baandh. We only have limited time." 

Piper laughs. "Don't worry. I can help. You need an outfit right?" 

I nod. "Did Jason tell you?" 

"He only told me a little, not the details. Don't worry," she digs through my closet. "You have no good clothes." I laugh.

 "You know what? Your shirt is fine, but lets find you new pants."

She digs around for a couple more minutes before she finds some ripped, light blue jeans. She throws them at me, and proceeds to try and find a belt. "Here," she throws it and me. I catch it. 

"Interesting choice."

 She smiles. "Jason loves gold stuff."

 Of course she would know, they dated.

 "You need better shoes."

 I pout. "What's wrong with my blue shark crocks?"

 "Nothing! You could just wear some better shoes." 

She finds some dark blue Converse and chuck them, underhanded, at me. "There. I'll leave you to it. Also, good luuuucckkkk!" she holds out to thumbs-up at me before shutting the door behind her.


         Heyyy! I have the update you requested. I hope you liked it, because I liked it. Next chapter is, *cue dramatic music* THE DATE. Anyways, 100 views!? I expected, like 5 tbh. Thanks for the views! I love you, my little mortals, demigods, and immortals! <3

"If you want to write, you have to believe in yourself and not give up." -Uncle Rick

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