Chapter 14

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(I know I said there was gonna be smut in the last chapter, but now it's next chapter. Sorry.)


Percy continues picking at his food slowly while eating. I graze his hand with my finger. He takes it, and smiles. 

I have finished my plate awhile ago, but I don't want to rush Percy. Annabeth went to grab seconds. Percy looks up at her nervously. 

"Percy, don't rush yourself, please. It's okay if you eat slow, anything to help you eat." I say. He nods, and continues picking at the waffle I got him. 

"I think I'm gonna be done," he says , picking up his plate and throwing the food away.

 I frown, but quickly cover it with a small smile. "Okay, that means we can start getting ready." 

He smiles. "Yeah, lets go." He grabs my hand and pulls me to his cabin.

 I can hear Annabeth trying to stifle a giggle as we walk away.

I shut the door behind me as we walk in. 

I turn around and he kisses me softly. I kiss him back, wrapping my hands around his waist.

 He pulls away and smiles. "Are you ready to make your cabin really blue?"

 I smile. "It's always blue, isn't it?" 

He nods. "Yes, always." He walks to a closet. He opens it and a bunch of party stuff is messily stuffed in it.

 I laugh. "You couldn't put a little effort in making it look nice?"

 He turns his head to look at me. "Nobody ever goes in here. I didn't really care at the time." I walk over to him and grab some streamers.

 "We can hang these from the ceiling." 

"How do we get them up there though, we don't have a ladder?" 

I laugh, "Did you forget that I can fly?" 

"Yeah...I guess I did."

I pull him in closer. "Don't be so hard on yourself. You just forgot, it's no big deal." 

He smiles and nods.

 I wrap the streamers around his face.

 "Hey!" he laughs. 

"That's what you get for being sad!"

 He unravels them from around him. He looks in the closet. "Oh my Gods! Confetti canons!"

 I look at him with a smirk on my face. He looks at me with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "We fire them after she confesses?" I nod. He smiles. "I have a bag in the bathroom we can use to carry the stuff." 

"I can grab it." I say, walking to the bathroom, leaving Percy to look for supplies. 

I look around the bathroom. I open the cabinet under the sink and find the bag. I grab it and widen my eyes. Under the bag is a knife. I look behind me and close the door.

 "Are you okay, Jason?" Percy yells. 

"Yeah, I'm just going to the bathroom!" I yell back. I grab the knife and flush it down the toilet. I wait a couple seconds before washing my hands for good measure. 

"Did you find it?" he says as I walk back to him. 

"Yeah, here. Put the stuff in." 

He puts his armful of stuff in the bag and continues to look for more. I set the bag on the floor and help him. 


We sneak back to my cabin, and quietly shut the door behind us. 

I drop the bag and grab Percy's hand. 

"What are you doing?" he asks.

 "Oh, nothing." I say pulling him in closer to me. 

"he bhagavaan, tum itane seksee kyon ho?" I look at him, confused.

 "What did you say?" 

He smirks. "Oh, nothing." 

I kiss him, hard. I pull away after a few seconds.  "Je t'aime tellement, Percy. Vous ne savez même pas."

 He blushes. "I-I didn't know you could s-speak French."

 "And I didn't know you could speak...that language." He laughs. 

"Hindi. I learned it when I was young." 

I smile. "We should probably start decorating."

**Sorry, there is a lot of time skips this chapter**

I hold Percy on my shoulders.

 "Just-just a little higher." 

I fly up a little. 

"There! Perfect."

 He hangs up the last streamer from the ceiling. The lunch horn blows and I fly a little too high, startled. 

"Ow!" Percy says. 

"Oh my Gods. I'm so sorry Percy, are you okay?" 

"Yeah, I'm fine," he says, rubbing a spot on his head.

 I touch the ground. I put him on the ground carefully. "Are you sure? It sounded like it hurt." 

He nods. "I'm fine, I promise. Just a little bump."

 I look at his head. "Where?" He points to a spot on his head. I cup his cheeks, I bring his head down and bury my nose in his hair. I kiss the spot he pointed to. 

"There, all better." 


          Hiiiiii! This chapter is really short, but I PROMISE that there will be smut in the next chapter. I need the next chapter to be in Percy's P.O.V because...reasons. Anyways the smut part will be in Jason's P.O.V. Thanks for the views and follows! I love you, my little mortals, demigods, and immortals! <3

"If you want to write, you have to believe in yourself and not give up." -Uncle Rick

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