Chapter 9

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 Jason pulls me, by the hand, all the way to my cabin. 

He opens the door and immediately slams it shut again. "Never mind, we aren't going in there. You can just change into some of my clothes."

 I feel my cheeks grow warm. "O-okay." We walk all the way, hand in hand, to cabin 1.

 He notices he is still holding my hand and drops it. 

"Sorry," he mumbles.

I look down, maybe he doesn't like me.

 "It's fine."

 He opens the door to his cabin. I'm not surprised, it's pretty messy. 

He has a blanket and swim trunks laid out on his bed, probably from a few nights ago. I look at Jason, and my face pales. He has blood all over his shirt, just like me. 

"Percy, what's wrong?"

 I point at his shirt, unable to speak. 

"Oh, um, yeah. I was the one who found you in your cabin. I had to carry you to the infirmary. I didn't realize I had blood on my shirt."

 I blush at the thought of Jason carrying me, and my helpless limp body, all the way to the infirmary. 

I hug him.

 "Woah, what's this for?" he says, hugging me back.

 "Thank you for doing that for me."

 He chuckles. "Don't worry about it. I care about you a lot."

 I pull away.

 "Okay so for you, um. I think all you need is a shirt right?"

 I nod.

 "Okay, um do you want to hide the, uh, bandages?" He asks.

 I look at my arms. "Yes, please." 

He smiles and starts digging around in his closet. "Perfect! Here." 

He hands me a purple hoodie, with patches down the sleeves. It says SPQR on it, from the Roman camp, Camp Jupiter.

 "If you want I can give you a shirt to go underneath it."

 "No, this is fine. Thank you." I say. 

He smiles. "The bathroom is that way if you want to use it." I smile and walk in the direction he pointed to. "I'll be waiting when you come out," he says. 

I close the door to the bathroom, and look in the mirror. I hold the hoodie up to my nose. I breath in a shaky breath.

 It smells like a mixture of cologne and the earth right after it got done raining. (You know that smell right?) 

I pull off the blood covered CHB shirt I have on, and drop it on the ground. I pull on Jason's hoodie, and pose for myself. I smile, and pick up my old shirt. 

I walk out of the bathroom, shirt in my hands, and walk up to Jason. He turns around and smiles, the little scar on his lip making it even cuter. I blush. 

"You look cute. Come on, the dinner horn rang a few seconds ago."

 Jason Stupid-Handsome-Face Grace just called me cute. I would die right now if I could.

 He grabs my hand, and pulls me out the door. "Chiron visited while you were changing." I look at him.

 "What did he say?" 

He smiles. "He gave you permission to sit with me today. He gave Annabeth permission as well." I smile. "That was nice of him."

 "Well, considering he believed Nico and Will's little lie about a doctor's note, I think this is just fine."

 I giggle, yes, giggle. "That's different, they are dating." 

He shakes his head and laughs. "No, this is different. committed self harm. You need people there for you."

I look down. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean it to sound rude," he says.

 I squeeze his hand. "It didn't...I just, I don't know." 

"That's okay, you don't need to know right now," he say. 

We get to the pavilion, and Jason drops my hand. "Hey Percy!" Annabeth says, waiting for us by the Zeus table.

 "Hey Annie," I say, wrapping my arm around her shoulders. "I thought I told you to stop calling me that, Seaweed Brain," she says as she shrugs them off. I wince. 

"Oh my Gods. I'm sorry! Did I hurt you?"

 I shake my head holding my arm. "No, it's fine. I'm just...a little sore."

Piper walks up to us, smirking. "Way to claim him, Grace."

 I look at her weird. "What do you mean?"

 Annabeth starts laughing. "Did you not see the back of the sweater?"

 I look at Jason, who is smiling. "No, I just put it on because he told me to. What's on the back?" 

"Well, you see, it has Jason's last name, the number one on it, and what he played as sports." Piper says.  (Pretend that they play mortal sports at Camp Jupiter, idk why.)

My cheek flush a bright red. "I'm just g-gonna sit down." I sit down at the table and hide my face in my hands.


          Hellloooo! I got the hoodie idea from a Valgrace fanfiction, although I don't remember which one. I hope you liked this chapter, I already have ideas for the next. I need ideas for cute couple nick names for Percy and Jason to use on each other, so please comment your ideas! Thank you for the views! I love you, my little mortals, demigods, and immortals. <3

"If you want to write, you have to believe in yourself and not give up." - Uncle Rick.

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