Chapter 6

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 I've never seen Percy not eating. Whenever I see him he's always eating while talking to someone, or just sitting there minding his own business while eating. Never have I ever seen him gag while eating a piece a pizza, or just throw away uneaten food. 

As I walk back to my table I wonder if Annabeth has ever noticed that Percy sometimes doesn't eat. I turn around and walk towards the Athena table instead.

I plaster a smile across my face as I approach. "Hey Annabeth! Can we talk? It's important." She looks up at me and nods hesitantly. 

I lead her away from the pavilion. She looks at me worried. "What's wrong, Jason? I know you usually don't need to talk to me unless it's absolutely important." 

I let my smile drop from my face, as we're alone now. "Percy didn't eat lunch. He just threw it away after taking one bite."

 Her eyes widen. She curses something in ancient Greek. "It's getting bad again. I told him to tell me if it starts again," she mumbles to herself in a rant. 

I grab her shoulders and make her look at me. "What's happening to Percy?" 

"Um, he has trauma induced anorexia."

 "Trauma? From what?" I ask, still curious about Percy's personal life.

 She sighs. "Before he came to camp, his mom married this guy to protect him from the monsters, as his scent is stronger from Poseidon. This guy was really abusive, especially when Percy came home from school when his mom, Sally, wasn't home. Thanks to the guy's consistent insults, Percy actually believed him for a while. He started....he started cutting himself." She looks behind my shoulder at the cabins.

 I look down as a silent tear tracks down my face. I wipe it away before she notices. 

"A-and, Gabe, the guy, was too busy gambling, o-or drinking, or smoking to ever make Percy something to eat. So he had to wait for Sally to get home from work before he could eat anything. Eventually, he just got used to not eating until later at night, so he just stopped eating."

"Annabeth...where is Gabe now?" 

She looks at me. "He's in jail for child abuse. Sally married a guy named Paul and he's so much better for them. They are had a baby awhile ago. She has helped a little too."

 I smile and let go of a breath I had been holding for a while. "That's amazing. Also, Gabe should rot in hell for what he did." 

Annabeth laughs. "Nico also knows about what happened. He made sure to make him well known to Hades." 

 "Well done, Nico, well done." 

Annabeth smiles, but narrows her eyes at me. "Why did you want to know?"

I gulp. "U-um. I really care about Percy, like, a lot." 

She laughs under her breath. "You like him, don't you." she says in a 'matter of fact' tone. I nod. "Oh my Gods. You guys would be so cute together!"

 I sigh and look down.

 "Like he could ever like me back." I mumble.

 She puts a hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry about it. Percy is really sweet. I see why you like him." I smile. "Come on, I have to go lecture Seaweed Brain."

She walks in the direction of the beach, where Percy went. I walk beside her.


When we get to the beach, we see Percy at the edge of the dock, dipping his feet in the water. 

"Perseus Jackson!" Annabeth yells. 

I flinch, even though it wasn't for me. 

Percy turns around and stands up. He walks to us. "What's up Annie?" 

"Don't you dare 'What's up' me. You know  what's up. Why didn't you eat lunch today?" I see Percy glance at me before saying. "I wasn't hungry." 

"Percy," Annabeth's voice softens, "I told you to tell me when it got bad again."

 He shakes his head. "Not in front of Jason, please."

 "He already knows, I told him. He was worried about you Percy. He told me that you threw away your lunch. What's wrong Percy?" 

Percy just stares at me. Then he looks at Annabeth. "Annie, I'm fine."

 "No, you're not, Percy. I know you're not. Tell me, I can help you, please." He glances at me again.

 "Tanaav," he says, in some foreign language. 

"Oh, Percy." Annabeth pulls him into a hug. (Let's say Annabeth can understand Hindi from her studies or something) 

Annabeth takes my hands and pulls me into the hug

. I smile, then I realize, I asked Percy to meet me at my cabin tonight. Part of the reason I did that is so Piper could confess to Annabeth sooner, and I really want to win that bet, so if she doesn't know how to confess, she can't do it. 

I pull away. "I'm sorry to ruin this moment, but I got to go." I wave goodbye to Annabeth and smile at Percy. He blushes a light shade of pink and returns the smile. I walk away until they can't see me, and then start running to my cabin to get some stuff ready.


         Hi! I really like this chapter. Sorry if you are uncomfortable with the mention of eating disorders. I don't know why, but when I write stories I have to write something tragic in it, otherwise I think it sucks. I think I just like the tragic backstories in characters and I think I'm really good at writing them. Anyways, thank you for the views! I love you all! <3 I wil update later tonight as well, maybe sooner. Bye!!!

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