Chapter 5

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Holy Hera, what the actual fuck just happened?

 I just watched my crush, Jason Grace, lean over me and whisper in my ear that he would love to hear who my crush was. Little does he know that it's him, he was probably teasing me because of something Piper said, and that wasn't out of love for me. Then again, he was flirting with me.

I walk to my table with my pizza and soda. Deal with it, I'm unhealthy. That's the way I live. 

I sit down and fell eyes staring at the back of my head. I glance behind my shoulder and see Jason staring at me. We make eye contact and he looks away quickly. I look at my pizza, suddenly not as hungry as when lunch started. 

I have to eat though, Annabeth will kill me if I skip another meal.

I look back a Jason again. This time, when we make eye contact, he mouths something. 

"Meet my at my cabin tonight."

 I nod. He smiles. I wonder what he's planning to do with me.

 I pick up my slice of pizza and take a bite. I almost gag, but I force it down. I follow with a large sip of soda.

 I decide I'm better off not eating today.

 I finish my drink at throw the rest in the garbage. I already missed breakfast, and I usually don't eat lunch or dinner anyways. 

I'm not in the mood for eating today I guess.

I start walking to the beach, until I feel someone grab my arm. I turn around, and guess you I see? Jason Stupid-Handsome-Face Grace.

 "Hey, u-um. What are you up to?"

 He lets go of my arm. "Where are you going? You didn't finish any of your food." I shrug. "I guess I just wasn't hungry." I turn to walk again, but he grabs my hand. "Perce, you didn't even eat breakfast. What's wrong?"

 I didn't think anybody would notice me not eat anything today. "Nothing, just...not in the mood today. Please... let me go, Jason." I look into his eyes pleadingly.

Now, I did look into his eyes because I wanted to. I could look into his eyes for days without getting bored. But I really meant what I said. I am fine. 

He sighs. "Fine, just try to eat something at dinner, please?" I nod. He smiles and lets go of my hand. He walks back to the pavilion. I turn and start walking back towards the beach.


         Hiiii! Sorry for the reallyyyy short chapter. I just haven't updated at all today so I wanted to get this in today. Hope you liked it! I swear more fluff AND a smut scene are going to happen. (I wrote it this morning in a note book) Love you alll! <3 Thank youuuu!

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