Chapter 4

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 Me and Piper are still on the beach, even though it's been a few hours since Percy came.\

 "Oh. My. Gods! I thought of the perfect way for you to confess to Percy!" she yells and puts her hand on my arm.

 "Shh! Yell any louder and they'll hear you!" 

She giggles. "Sorry, anyways. You should take him to hang out after dinner tomorrow. Take him to a secluded spot and go star gazing! It's perfect, maybe even go out for a night swim afterwards, because, well, it's Percy. Take him star gazing here on the beach!"

I think about it for a few seconds. Looking up at sky and then afterwards we can go out to swim in the sea. I nod and smile. "It's perfect. Thank you Piper." She hugs me. I hug her back. "So, how are you gonna confess to Annabeth?" She pulls away. "We still have time to think about that later. You are gonna get your man!" I smile. "Yeah. I'm not gonna lie, I've had a crush on him since we first met." Her eyes widen.  I laugh. 

"Well, in the space between now and your confession, I think you should start flirting with him," she says, smirking.

 I roll my eyes. "Fine. You go do that too."

 She blushes. "Ugh. Sure, I'll do it too, but I already know my girl likes me." 

"No using charmspeak against her. It's not fair. All I have is terrible pick up lines." "What? BuT-" "No! You're not allowed." I say. 

She laughs. "Fine."

The conch horn for lunch sounds through camp. It's lunch already? How long have we been here?

 "We better go." She nods and stands up. I stand up as well and pick up my blanket. "See you at lunch, I have to drop this off at my cabin." 

"Yeah. See you."

 I start walking away.


 I turn around.

 "Um. Sorry. Friends? No more awkward feelings?" She holds out her hand for me to shake. I grab her hand and shake it lightly.

 "No more awkward feelings." 

She smiles, let's go of my hand, and starts walking to the pavilion. I smile and walk behind her.

** <--time skips

I drop off my blanket at the Zeus cabin. I walk to the pavilion.

 I see Annabeth and Percy talking while getting food. I guess the break up went well for them. My smile widens when I realize Percy is now single, but the chances of him liking me are low. He looks at me and waves me over with a shining white smile. I walk over to them, refraining from the urge to run over and hug him. "Hey Percy."

 "Hi Jason. So you and Piper...?" I laugh at his question. 

"We broke up."

 Annabeth blushes a crimson red. "I-I'm gonna go," she says.

 I look at Percy, confused from why Annabeth was like that. Percy just smiles wider. "Don't tell her I said this to you, but, Annie there has a crush on Piper. At the slightest mention of her she blushes like crazy." 

I laugh. "Really, because-"

 "Yeah! Piper has a crush on Annabeth too," he interjects, way too excited about knowing this information. "That's partly why I broke up with Annabeth. So Piper could have her chance." 

I raise my eyebrows in curiosity. "What's the other reason?" 

He blushes a deep pink. "O-oh. I like someone else."

 "Oh, who's the lucky girl?" I say, already knowing the answer he's about to tell me. He chokes on the drink he is sipping on. "U-um it's actually a guy." 

I act surprised. "Oh, really. Do tell." I start grabbing food. I reach over Percy and grab a piece of bread for a sandwich. My mouth is right by his ear. "I'm so curious to hear who it is." I whisper. 

I pull away from the table of food and walk away to the hearth, where a sacrifice some of my food to my father. I look back at Percy, who is a bright red, and wink, making him blush even more.


          Hehehe. Cliff hanger!!! I promise I will update tomorrow! So how about that language Percy should be able to speak? What language should it be?  Comment if you caught the little joke in the second paragraph. Sorry for another short chapter but I have to get back to making my cupcakes! Thank you for the reads! *-*

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