Chapter 10

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Percy sits down at table 1 and covers his face.

 "Look, now you've turned him into a really healthy tomato!" Piper says.

 I laugh. "Piper can I talk to you? Annabeth can you go ask Percy what he wants to eat?"  

Annabeth nods, and walks over to Percy. 

"What's up?" Piper asks. 

"Well, um, I kind of asked Percy to meet me tonight instead of tomorrow night. So you have to figure out how you going to ask Annabeth out," I say, rubbing the back of my neck.

 "You what? Oh my Gods. I'm not gonna do it, I don't know how! You couldn't have done it when we agreed to?" Piper exclaims.

"Sorry! I couldn't wait any longer. Also, I feel like today is better. I don't want Percy to hurt himself again. I really, really want to be there for him, and not just in a 'bro' way. I want to be there as in how a lover is there. I love him. Seeing him hurt...seeing him hurt, it breaks me. Shatters my heart into a million pieces." I say, not able to stop myself. 

Piper sighs and crosses her arms. "You really do love him, don't you?" I nod. She smiles. "Well, I still don't know how I'm gonna confess to Annabeth, sooo, I forfeit the deal. You, and maybe Percy, can plan tonight how I'm gonna confess to Annabeth tomorrow." 

I pump the air with my fists. "Yes!!! This is why I love you!" I envelope her in a hug. I pull away quickly. "But, um, platonically." 

She nods awkwardly. "Like a brother." 

Annabeth walks up to us. "Percy doesn't want to eat."

 My smile fades. "Why?" 

She shrugs her shoulders as I walk past her to Percy. I sit down next to him.

 "Hey Perce." 

He looks up at me and hums in response. 

"Is there a reason you don't want to eat?"

 Percy shakes his head.

 "Don't wanna talk either?"

 He nods, looking a little green. 

"Are you feeling okay?"

 He shakes his head.

 "Do you need to leave?" 

He nods, getting up almost immediately afterwards.He runs over to the nearest bush. 

I follow him, slowly. I kneel down next to him. He throws up into the bush. 

"It's okay, just breath." I say, rubbing his back. He throws up again. 

"That's alright. Get it all out," I continue rubbing his back. "Do you feel better?" He nods. "Do you need water?" He nods again.

 I look back. "Hey Pipes?" 

"Yeah?" she yells in response.

 "Can you grab a glass of water and some napkins for me, please?" "Yeah, hold on." 

She comes running a few seconds later. "Here you go." 

"Thanks." I say grabbing the water and napkins from her.

 She nods and runs back. 

"Here, let me wipe your face first." 

He looks at me, his eyes glazed over. 

I wipe his mouth, and hand him the water. He takes a small sip from the cup. "I-I don't even know how I threw u-up, I haven't eaten a-all day." 

"Maybe it's just from the water or beverages you've had today." I say. 

He nods in agreement. "Thanks f-for helping m-me." I nod and smile. I look at his face. 

His raven hair is messier than usual, the gray streak in his hair hidden in the mess of black, and his eyes are glazed. He has red-ish spots on his face from broken blood vessels. I look down at his lips. They look soft....I wonder-NOPE! I'M NOT GOING THERE TODAY!

He takes a shaky breath in through his mouth. "I hate puking so much."

 I nod. "Me too, never been a fan of it." 

He smiles. "Do you want to go back?" I ask. 

He nods.

 "Okay, let's go then."

 I hold out my hand. He takes it, and I pull him up off the ground. We walk back to the pavilion and sit down at table 1. 

Percy puts his head down on the table. Annabeth smiles sitting opposite of us. I lean in towards Percy's ear. "Are you sure you don't want something to eat?" 

He shakes his head.

 "You don't want anything? How about a fruit?" I ask, whispering still. He shrugs, so I get up and walk to go get him some fruit. I grab a box of strawberries, fresh from the strawberry fields.

 I walk back to the table and plop back next to Percy. 

"Here you go." I say, pushing the box over to him. 

He looks up and smiles. He grabs the box. "How did you know strawberries are my favorite?" I chuckle. 

"I didn't. I just grabbed something that is easy to eat."

 He smiles, and takes a bite out of the strawberry. 


          Hiii! I tried to get this chapter in because I am visiting a relative today. I hoped you liked it! I myself am a little uncomfortable about the subject of vomit so I hope it was okay for you guys. Any suggestions on how Piper should confess to Annabeth? Please comment your ideas. I hope you liked the chapter! Thank you for the views! I love you, my little mortals, demigods, and immortals! <3

"If you want to write, you have to believe in yourself and not give up." - Uncle Rick.

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