Chapter 22

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We arrive at camp. 

I open the door and run the the edge of the magic border. Thalia's tree towers above me, the Golden Fleece hanging from the lowest branch, and the guard dragon sleeping peacefully at the trunk. 

Sally stands behind me, silent tears falling down her face. "I-I can't go in there. Mortals aren't aloud." 

I smile softly. "Yes you can, Rachel was aloud. Now she's the Oracle."

 She raises her eyebrows. "Rachel? Percy's friend?" 

I nod. I take her hand and pull her into the border. She gasps while looking around.

 "I-it's beautiful. I can't believe I've never seen this before. I can see the Fleece and the dragon, because it's by the gate, but I've never seen the actual camp." 

I look at her. "You can see through the mist?" 

She nods. "I thought Percy would've told you."

 I shake my head, a lump forming in my throat. I look at the watch on Sally's wrist. "They should be having s'mores at the campfire right now." 

Sally nods, holding my hand tighter, like if she let go, I would disappear too. We walk to the campfire together. 

All the campers are huddled around the small fire, talking loudly. 

Our footsteps barely audible over the sound of voices. Chiron and Mr. D are playing pinochle on a picnic table. Chiron is sitting in his enchanted wheelchair that hides his horse legs. I clear my throat and everyone stops talking. Chiron looks up and smiles. He roles up, (I'm sorry I can't lmfao), and his smiles fades. "Where is Percy?" 

"He....," I choke up, "He's dead. The Gods k-killed him." 

Gasps can be heard from multiple campers. 

Sally is silently crying and Mr. D ducks his head, not wanting his emotions to be seen. 

"Oh...oh my Gods. I'm so sorry you two. Why did they do that?"

 I look around the campfire and see Annabeth crying into Piper's shoulder. Piper is petting Annabeth's hair and her eyes 

They must be mirroring her emotions. 

"They didn't want us to take over the world. That's all." I say.

 Sally squeezes my hand. Chiron hugs Sally as I let go of her hand, and walk over to Piper and Annabeth.

 Annabeth looks up and inhales sharply. "I-it's really true? He-he's dead?" I nod silently. "O-oh Seaweed Brain," she nuzzles her head back into the crook of Piper's neck. 

Piper smiles sadly. "He was a great hero." I nod. 

"He was an amazing hero." 

The fire is low and has turned blue. 

Chiron walks up to me, in his horse form, and hands me a burial shroud. The shroud is a sea green and has a blue trident on it. It has Percy's sword in it. (It returned to Chiron after Percy died.) Tears fall down on to it. I stand in front of the fire. Sally stands next to me.

"Perseus Jackson died a hero. Zeus had killed him because he had feared. Feared that Percy was too powerful. And damn right he was. He was one of the most powerful demigods I have ever known. He was a friend to many. He had died happy. He would want you to be the same. He hated people pitying him for something bad that happened to him. He hated it so much. He was an amazing person, a-and I loved him. For those of you who didn't know, me and Percy were dating before he d-died. His last words to me were, 'I love you too Angel." He wanted me to sing to him. He died to me singing to him. To Perseus Jackson, son of Poseidon, hero of Olympus, and friend of all demigods." I say, dropping Percy's burial shroud into the fire. 

I look at Sally and she smiles softly. I look at the campers. Annabeth is hugging Piper tightly, Nico is silently crying while holding Will's hand, Will is crying, not caring who heard, Clarisse is nodding sadly, and Leo is Looking into the fire, spacing out. Franks and Hazel don't even know what happened, they are at Camp Jupiter, doing  their Praetor duties. Neither does Thalia or Reyna, although them both being hunters they probably heard through Artemis, who heard through Apollo.

I love you, Percy Jackson. Always and forever, until I die will I wait to see you again. Forever and always.


          Hi! I hoped you liked this chapter! Thanks for the views and follows. 1 more chapter in this story! I want to say thanks again to the people who have read this story at all. I really appreciate it! It is my little brothers birthday tomorrow so I might not be active 'till late at night. Wish him happy birthday in the comments please! I love you, my little mortals, demigods, and immortals! <3

"If you want to write, you have to believe in yourself and not give up." -Uncle Rick.

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