Chapter 23

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{Unknown Narrator} 

One year after Percy's death. Jason is now 18 years old.

Jason refuses to come out of his cabin, unless he is visiting Sally. The only 2 people he lets inside are Nico and Piper. 

He rarely eats meals, and has become really skinny. He barely can sleep, because the nightmares haunt him at night. Sometimes, when he does sleep, Venus or Aphrodite visit him and comfort him. 

A knock at the door makes Jason jump. 

He just curls up in a ball in his bed.

 "Jason? Can I come in?" Nico says, opening the door a crack.

 "Sure." Jason mumbles. 

Nico opens the door and quickly shuts it behind him. "How are you doing?" 

Jason rolls over to face Nico. "Same as the last time you asked." 

Nico sighs. "You really need to checked out by a doctor, this isn't healthy." 

Jason turns back around. "I don't care," he mumbles again. 

Nico sits on the edge of the bed. "I have someone who wants to see you." 

Jason curls up tighter. "Tell them to go away, then." 

Nico just smiles patiently. "I think you would like to see them." 

"No, I wouldn't." Jason says bitterly. 

"Okay, then." Nico says, getting up off the bed. A light blue, almost white light, shines throughout the dark cabin. 

Jason grunts. "Nico turn off the lights-" 

"Hello, Angel," the ghost of Percy says.

 "Oh my Gods. Percy!" Jason jumps out of bed and hugs the ghost. 

He is solid, almost human, but cold. Percy hugs back.

 "I can't believe it! You're really here!" Jason says, sobbing into Percy's hair. 

Jason is much taller than Percy now. 

"I know, Angel, but I can only be here for a little while. You look so different. You're skinnier, and you look so tired. Please, Angel, don't let my death take such a toll on you. I don't want that. Please eat, and get some more sleep, and sun, you look so pale." Percy says, rubbing Jason's back. Jason nods. Percy lets go and floats off the ground to kiss Jason's forehead. 

Jason chuckles, it's been a long time since he has done that. "I love you, Percy."

  "I love you too, Angel." Percy says, smiling. Jason's smile fades. 

Percy's last words to him, the words that he could never let go of, never. 

"Um, Angel?" 

"Hm?" Jason snaps back into reality. 

"I think I'm going to rebirth. Is that okay?"  Jason smiles.

 "As long as you are happy, I'm okay with it." 

Nico clears his throat. "Percy, it's time to go." 

Percy nods slowly. "I love you, Angel. See you in the next life." 

"I love you too, Percy. See you in the next life." Jason says, cupping Percy's cheek with one hand. 

 Percy smiles and pecks his lips quickly before waving and slowly fading away again. Jason lips linger on the cold feeling of his dead boyfriend's lips.

Nico smiles. "I told you." 

Jason rolls his eyes. "Shut up."

 Nico laughs. "So, are you coming to dinner tonight?" 

"No, I'm going to Sally's for dinner tonight, I promised I would see Estelle. It's her third birthday today." Nico nods slowly. "But, I will come to the campfire tonight." Jason says. 

Nico hugs Jason. "You are also coming to the infirmary afterwards, seriously, you don't look good." 

Jason pushes him playfully. "Thanks, I never noticed." 

An Iris Message pops up in front of him. 

"Jason! I wasn't sure this would work, I've never tried before. How are you doing, Hun? Are you still coming for dinner?"

 "Yes, I am, Sally. Wouldn't miss it for the world. I am good, how are you?" Jason says. 

"I am good! Estelle wants to say hi! Come here Sweetie, Jason is here!" Sally says, picking up Estelle. 

"Jashon! Hewwo!" Estelle says.

 "Hello, Estelle! Happy birthday!" Jason says, waving. 

"What do you say?" Sally says to Estelle. 

Estelle giggles and says, "Fank youuu!!!" Jason laughs.

"Oh, dear, I can't see. Who is with you?" Sally says, squinting. 

"Hello, Sally!" Nico says.

 "Oh! Hello there, Nico. How are you?" Sally says, handing Estelle to a confused Paul. 

"I'm good, thanks for asking." Nico says, smiling. 

Sally smiles. "That's good, Hun. Anyways, Jason. How does roast chicken sound for dinner?" Jason smiles. 

"Sounds good, I'll be there soon. Bye Sally, bye Paul!"

 "Goodbye Jason, bye Nico!" Sally says. 

"Goodbye Jason!" Paul yells. 

"Gwoodbyeee Jashon!" Estelle yells. 

"Goodbye Estelle!" Jason yells. 

Sally swipes through the message. 

Jason laughs. 

"Gods, I love Percy's family."

THE END!!!!! 


           Thank you for reading "My Head's in the Clouds"! I really appreciate all of your lovely comments and votes keeping me going! I want to write another book, but it's a Solangelo book, it is connected to this book. I will write it after I get a good posting rhythm to my other story. I hoped you like this story! I love you, my little mortals, demigods, and immortals! <3

"If you want to write, you have to believe in yourself and not give up." -Uncle Rick.

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