Chapter 21

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I run and run until I can't anymore.

 Where does Sally live?

 There are millions of apartments in New York. I walk in front of the nearest apartment complex. I press one of the buttons outside the front door. 

"Hello?" A man's deep voice says.

 "Um, d-does a Sally J-Jackson live here?" 

"Um, yes she does. I can unlock the door for you. She's on the third floor, fifth door to the right," he says. 

"Thanks, sorry to bother you."

 "Your welcome. You didn't bother me at all."

 "Okay." I say.

The door clicks and it opens. I run inside. The closest elevator is open and I run inside, jamming the 3rd button, not wanting to deal with people right now. Not after Percy just died. 

His last words echo in my mind. 

"I love you too, Angel."

  I love you so much Percy. The elevator reaches the third floor and I wipe away my tears. I count the doors on the right and knock on the fifth one. 

A guy yells, "I'm coming!" 

The door opens and reveals a man, about the age of 35. "Oh, hello. How can I help you, young man?"

I smile sadly. "Is Sally Jackson home?"

 "Why, yes she is, one moment. Sally, Dear, a boy wants to see you." 

"I'm coming, Paul." Sally says.

So that's Paul. He's really nice. 

"Oh, hello, Jason!" She smiles, standing next to Paul. Her smile falters when she looks around. "Where's...?"

 I hug her. "H-he's gone. They k-killed him! I'm so, so sorry, I tried. I tried to help."

 She hugs me back, my shoulder becoming wet with her tears. She pulls away and hugs Paul. Paul just rubs her back and soothes her. I can see silent tears fall. Tears are streaming down my face. 

I feel something tug at my leg and look down. Estelle is standing up, using my leg as support. I smile. I bend down and pick her up. 

"I'm sorry, Estelle. I couldn't save him. Now, you have to grow up without your big brother. I'll visit, though. I'll be your brother. I can't replace him, but, I can help you. Like you did to him when you were born." 

Paul chuckles and Sally looks at me. "How did she help?" I look at her. 

He didn't tell Sally?

"U-um. He used to self-harm and Estelle helped him by giving him a new light in the dark." I say, holding Estelle while she reaches to play with my glasses. Sally sobs dryly, seeming to not have any tears left. 

"Oh, my poor baby."

 I set Estelle back down on the floor. 

Sally pulls me into another hug. "Thank you for keeping my baby happy. Feel free to visit anytime you want." 

I nod into the hug. "Do you want to come with me to tell the camp?" She pulls away and looks at Paul for permission. He smiles and nods. 

"Yeah, I will."

I nod. "Bye Estelle. Bye Paul."

 Paul looks at me, question in his eyes. 

"Percy told me about you." I say.

 He nods. "Goodbye, Jason." He closes the door behind Sally. 

"After we tell the camp I'm going to yell at Poseidon for a long time."


          Heyy! Sorry I haven't updated lately, but I've been a little overwhelmed, like, today I cried over brushing my hair. Anyways, I hoped you like the chapter! 2 more chapters left of the story! Thank you to those who have been reading it since I started it! Thanks for the views and follows! I promise I will update my other story today as well! I love you, my little mortals, demigods, and immortals! <3

"If you want to write, you have to believe in yourself and not give up." -Uncle Rick.

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