Chapter 8

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(This is when he is getting ready for his and Percy's meet up.)


Everything has to be perfect for Percy.

 I want to show him that I love him dearly. I want him to know that I'm there for him when things aren't okay. 

I grab a blue blanket with little lightning bolts on it. I grab my swim trunks, to go swimming afterwards. I realize that I should probably bring some snacks. The one person I know who is the king of snacks is Percy. 

I set down the blanket on my bed and walk to cabin 3.

I knock on the door to see if anyone is there. There was no response, I try the door handle. It's locked. I look through the window to see if anybody is in there.

 My jaw drops. Percy is laying on the ground, and there is blood dripping from his arms. It's everywhere, on the floor, on his clothes, and on the wall. 

I try to unlock the door from the outside, but everything I do fails. I eventually open the window and crawl through it. I hold Percy's head up off the floor. His skin is pale, and I don't know how long he's been like this. His arms are soaked in scarlet blood. A trail of blood leads to a drawer by the door. I open the one compartment and find a blood soaked knife.

"Oh my Gods, Percy. I'm so sorry." I whisper. 

The cuts in his arms are deep. I hold him wedding style and make sure his arms are in his lap. I unlock the door carefully and run outside, not even caring to shut the door behind me. I run to the infirmary. I look down at Percy's pale face and choke back a sob. 

"Somebody help me, please!" I yell.

Will comes from around the corner. His face pales when he sees Percy. 

"Quickly, put him on the bed." He points to a free bed nearby.

 I rush over and set Percy down. 

"What happened?" Will asks.

 "U-um, I was going to his cabin to ask him a question, and the door was locked. I looked through the window, a-and there was blood all over the floor and walls. I couldn't see any cuts, but I knew he fainted from blood loss. I opened the window and got in the cabin. His face was pale, and I d-didn't know how long he was like that. There was a trail of blood leading to a drawer. I opened it and there was a knife covered in blood. After that I saw his arms." 

Tears streak down my face as I explain what happened. Will calls for back up. I know it's more serious than I thought. He's getting hooked up to a bag a fluids, and his arms are being wrapped by Will. He's being force fed nectar and ambrosia. 

I just want him to wake up. I want to hug him, I want to tell him everything's alright. 

Will looks up at me after he's done with Percy's arms. "He should wake up in the next couple of hours. I'll leave you alone and tell the others about the incident."

 I nod. "Thank you."

 "It's no problem." He walks away.

 I look down at Percy. I pull up a chair next to his bed. I sit down and grab his hand. I squeeze his hand, desperately wanting to feel him squeeze back.

I rest my head down on the bed. Darkness swallows me as I fall into a gentle sleep.

(This is a dream)

<Why hello, Love,> a mysterious voice says. 

I look around. <Who's there?> 

A very pretty looking lady appears in front of me. <Oh, it's only me, Love. No need to be frightened.> 

 I narrow my eyes at her. <Venus? Why are you here? I told you a long time ago to stop invading my dreams.> 

She smiles. <Well, Love, I'm just trying to get something confirmed. Your daddy seemed as if it were mandatory for this to be known.>

 She looks really different from when I last saw her. She used to look exactly like Piper. Brown eyes, and choppy brown hair. Now she looks, well, like Percy. Black hair with a long streak of gray in it, and mesmerizing sea green eyes.

<I don't want to have to do anything with him anymore. He only cares about his own power.> 

She smiles. <Love, I'm only doing this because I was ordered to, not because I want to. Well, I do want to know, but I'm doing this against my will.> 

I sigh, <Fine, what's Jupiter's question.> 

She motions for me to come closer. <Do you fancy Jackson?> 

My eyes widen. <I'm not telling you that! That's personal.> 

She rolls her eyes. <Love, you know they are going to find out sooner or later, right? It's just better if it's sooner. Plus, you wont get hurt. You don't want your precious Percy Jackson get hurt, do you, Love? He's already been through so much, poor Darling.> 

I scoff. <As if you care about any demigod, especially one that's not you own offspring.> 

<If you do not want to tell me, then I will make you. Tell me now, Love, do you fancy Percy Jackson?> 

I can feel the charmspeak go through me, and I melt at the sound of her voice. I shake my head. <I'm not gonna tell you. You guys can find out yourselves, stop brain washing us into telling you.> 

She crosses her arms. <Fine, I can tell that I will see you sometime in the future. See you again soon, Love!> She fades into the darkness.

(The dreams ends)

I open my eyes and the light pours in.

 I squeeze Percy's hand, and bury my face in the sheets. I feel shifting around me. I feel a hand rest on my head and play with my hair. A few seconds later, Percy squeezes my hand back. I look up and Percy pulls his arm away. 

"Oh Percy." I whisper. 

He looks down. I hug him, thankful that he is awake, that he is okay, the he is alive. "I never want to let go." I hear hurried footsteps. 

"Oh my Gods, Percy! Never do that again, you scared me, you scared all of us! I love you so much!" Annabeth says. 

I let go of Percy and he immediately get enveloped in another hug from Annabeth.

The rest of the seven, and Nico, walk over to Percy's bed. 

He smiles.

Will walks by Nico, and talks from behind a clip board. "So, Percy. you've been on fluids for about three hours, and you've had some nectar and ambrosia. I think you are good to go for today. I would like you to check in with me tomorrow morning though, just to make sure everything's okay.

 Percy smiles again and looks over at me. "Are we still on for tonight?" he mouths.

 I smile and nod.

Percy tries to sit up but lays back down again. 

"Are you okay?" I ask.

He nods. "Just a little dizzy." 

I nod slowly, processing that he probably isn't telling the truth. I hold out my hand and he takes it. I pull him up and make sure he is okay. I look at his face. His cheeks are flushed a light rose color. 

"Come on, we are going to your cabin so you can get ready for dinner."


          Heyy! I don't really like this chapter, it's basically a repeat of last chapter in Jason's point of view. I hope you guys liked it though. I guess it's like an explanation of how Percy got in the infirmary. I promise better chapters are to come tomorrow. Thank you for the views! I love you, my little mortals, demigods, or immortals! <3

"If you want to write, you have to believe in yourself and not give up." - Uncle Rick.

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