Chapter 13

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Me and Jason are on the floor of his cabin.

 "What else do you think we should add?"

 He looks over at my piece of paper. The paper has all of our ideas." "I don't know. I really liked the idea you had at the beach." 

I smile. "Okay then, truth or dare, with just the four of us, in your decorated cabin, and she confesses?" 

He nods.

 "I love it," I say. "Do you want to start decorating now? I have a bunch of party stuff leftover in my cabin from Tyson's birthday party." 

He shakes his head. "No. I'm tired," he scoots closer to me.

 "We aren't sleeping on the floor," I say, rolling my eyes. 

"Fine," he gets up.

 I groan. "I don't want to wallllkkkk." 

"Okay, you big baby." He picks me up and lays me on the bed. 

I cover my face as he hops on the bed.

 "No. Don't cover your face. It's cute." 

I blush even more, my ears feeling like they are on fire. I slowly uncover my face. He pecks my lips quickly. I smile. 

He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me closer. I snuggle my nose into his neck, and wrap my arms around him. He rests his chin on my head. I feel his heartbeat against my chest. A few moments later I can hear Jason's soft snores. I think about my day and close my eyes.

~~The next dayyyy!~~

"Percy, wake up." Jason shakes me.

 "NoOoO." I groan.

 "Come on, you have to get ready for breakfast," he says. 


Jason starts tickling me. "No, Jason! StoAhP!"

 "Not until you get up, we also have to decorate!" 

"Fine, I'll get up! Jason, stop tickling-Jay!"

 He stops. "What'd you just call me?" 

I blush. "Nothing. I called you Jason." 

"Nooo. I heard Jay," he says, pulling off the bed and pulling me close. 

I wrap my arms around his shoulders. "Maybe I did, maybe I didn't." 

He wraps his arms around my waist. "I like it. You can call me that whenever." 

I smile. "Okay. I'm hungry, let's go." I pull him by the arm all the way to the pavilion.

"Why, hello, lovebirds. Care to tell me how I'm going to confess to the love of my life?!" Piper says, running up to us. 

"Oh. That's a surprise. Truth or dare in Jason's cabin after lunch. BYOS, Bring. Your. Own. Snacks." I say.

 "When do I confess then?" she asks. 

I smirk. "You'll know when. It's just a moment of silence, while I go to the bathroom, and Jason pretends to be sleeping." 

She smiles and pulls both of us in a group hug. "Thanks guys, couldn't have done it without you." 

I smile. "No problem, Pipes." I pull away.

"Soooo, are you guys an item on the shelf of love, or no?" she asks. 

Jason laughs. "Yeah, we are." 

I smile up at him. He ruffles my hair, and bends down next to my ear. "What do you want to eat? You can sit down and I'll get it for you."

 "Um, just something small. Nothing to hard to get down, you know?" He nods and walks away, holding my hand until the very last second. 

Piper giggles. "You guys are cute together! My ship has sailed. JERCY FOR EVER!"

 I cover her mouth. "We aren't out to anybody else yet. Only a few other people know about me. My mom doesn't even know. I'm not sure about Jason though."

 Piper frowns. "Oh. I'm sorry." 

I smile. "It's okay." 

She waves bye and walks away.

 I sit down at the Zeus table and play with my fingers. Annabeth walks up to the table and sits down across from me. Her plate has scrambled eggs and bacon on it.

 "What was all the hugging about?" 

I look up at her. "Nothing important. Do you want to play truth or dare in Jason's cabin after lunch?" 

She looks behind my shoulder and smiles. 

"What-" Hands cover my face. 

"Guess who?"

 I laugh. "JasOONN"

 The hands lift of my face and Jason sits down next to me, pushing a plate of strawberries and a small waffle towards me. 

I look at them for a second before popping a strawberry in my mouth. "

Oh, um. Sure. Who's gonna be there?" Annabeth asks after a few seconds.

 I swallow. "Just Jason, you, me , and Piper." 

She blushes. "P-Piper's gonna be there?" Jason nods. 

"Yep. It's also BYOS." 

She raises an eyebrow in confusion. 

"Bring your own snacks." I say, noticing her puzzled look. 

"Oh, okay. I'll come."

I smirk. "Good, you didn't have a choice." 

Jason smiles. "You really didn't"


          Hiii! I liked this chapter, but it's really short. I have to go to bed tho, because I have volleyball in the morning. : ( I hope you like this chapter! Thank you for the views and follows! I love you, my little mortals, demigods, and immortals! <3

"If you want to write, you have to believe in yourself and not give up." -Uncle Rick

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