Chapter 17

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I look at Jason and laugh.

 "I'm actually going to take a shower, want to come with?" he asks. 

"Sure." I say. 

He gets up and pulls me up off the bed. He kisses my forehead. I smile up at him, and we walk hand in hand to the bathroom.


We walk out of cabin 1 holding hands. We get some looks from the younger campers that don't really know who we are. Some people whisper things to their friends, and the people we know just smile or wave at us. I smile, not used to this kind of attention. Jason just squeezes my hand for reassurance. I squeeze back. The only really openly gay people are Will and Nico. So it's a sight for two guys to just randomly start holding hands in public. Especially when those two guys were known to be dating Annabeth Chase and Piper McLean. 

We make our way to the dining pavilion.  This time Annabeth's sitting back at her own table. She's talking really excitedly to Malcom, her brother, about something. She catches my eye and smiles. I smile and wave with my free hand. 

"I guess it's just us today." 

Jason nods. "Yup."

 We sit down at Zeus' table. Nico gets up from the crowded Apollo table and grabs Will's arm.  Nico drags Will all the way to our table and makes him sit down. He sits down next to Will and smiles at Jason and I. 

"Good job, you guys. Now there's four gays instead of just two." Nico says.

 Jason smiles. "Thanks? I guess." 

Will looks at us in disbelief. "You are dating? I thought  you were dating Annabeth, Percy." 

I laugh. "We broke it off a little bit ago. And actually, Nico, there are six gays, not four." 

Nico raises an eyebrow. "Who?"

 Jason smirks. "Piper's a lesbian and Annabeth has bi panics when we talk about her. They got together today, after lunch."

 Nico gasps. "Oh my Gods. We have a group of gays. Will, we found more of them!" 

Will smiles at his boyfriends reaction. "Indeed we did, Sunshine." 

Jason turns to me. "What do we feel like eating today?" 

I smile. "" 

Jason smiles. "Okay. Anything to drink?" 

 "Just some water. Thanks, Jay."

 He kisses my forehead. "Anything for you, Bunny." He gets up to go get our food.

Nico looks at me. "Bunny? Really?"

 "What? I like it!" I say. 

Will laughs. "What do you call him in return?"

 I blush. "devadoot."

 "What?" Nico asks. 

 "It means Angel in Hindi." (I think. If I'm mistaken, pls correct me.)

Will snorts. Nico hits him on the arm. "I think it's cute."

 I smile. "Thanks, Nico." 

Will clears his throat. "I'm sorry, it's just that I think Jason is far from an angel."

"What about me, now?" Jason says, setting down our plates and sitting next to me. 

Will smiles. "Nothing." 

Jason chuckles. "Okay, sure." 

He hands me a bottle of water. I smile and open it. The plate in front of me has a small slice of pizza and some strawberries. Strawberries are the only thing that I actually eat when I don't want to eat. I guess Jason picked up on that. I look at Jason's plate, and he has the same thing as me, only his slice of pizza is slightly bigger than my own. 

"I saw you eyeing my food the other day, and I thought I made you feel bad. So, I got the same thing as you so you don't feel bad anymore."

 I smile and hug him. He wraps his arms around my waist. "Thank you." I say. 

"Your welcome, Perce," he says.

 I let go of him and take a small bite of my pizza. 

"Sunshine, I'm gonna go grab your plate. You barely just sat down before you decided to sit here instead." Will says, getting up. Nico rolls his eyes and nods. 

"Okay, Gattino."

 Will smiles and walks to the Apollo table. 

"Sometimes he can be so annoying." Nico says.

 Jason's smile falters a little. "But, Nico, he's right. Not eating isn't healthy. You could die if you don't get enough nutrients." 

"It's not like I already feel like I am gonna die anyways," he mumbles.

 "Nico..." I say. I get up and hug him. "You're not gonna malnourish yourself because you want to die anyways. Bianca wouldn't want that would she?" He shakes his head, gripping my arms in a half-hug. "Okay then, please eat." 

He lets go and nods. Silent tears run down his face, but he wipes them away quickly when Will comes back into view. 

"Here you go....Sunshine? What's wrong?" 

Nico just shakes his head and puts some food in his mouth to avoid talking. Will smiles sadly and turns to me. "How are you by the way? You forgot to come see me today." 

I choke. "Oh my Gods! I'm so sorry. We had other things planned this morning." 

Will laughs. "It's alright. How are the scars? Are you eating enough?" 

I show him my arms as Jason answers the other question. "I try to get him to eat at least half of his meals everyday." Will nods while studying my arms. 

"That's good, try to eat at least two meals everyday. If you can't, eat as much as you can before leaving the table." 

I nod and glance at Nico. He's eating while looking off into the distance. I follow his gaze and see Thalia's pine tree. Thunder booms throughout camp, and  you can hear the waves crashing on the shore of the beach.

"Perry Johnson and James Green! Come to the Big House immediately!" Dionysus yells. Jason looks at me. I shrug and say, "Lets just go." 


          Hii! Hope you liked this chapter! Thanks so much for 60 followers! What do you think will happen to Percy and Jason? Comment your thoughts. I just want to say that this story ends in a sad ending and you may cry. But that's not happening for a couple more chapters! I have no idea what to write so comment what the next chapter should have! Thanks for the views! I love you, my little mortals, demigods, and immortals! <3 

"If you want to write, you have to believe in yourself and not give up." -Uncle Rick.

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