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Omniscient POV

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Omniscient POV

"Is you almost done or naw?" Skye says obnoxiously from the other side of Bri's classroom causing her to sigh, roll her eyes and close her laptop. Bri gives her a look and Skye shrugs it off.

"Girl what, they don't pay us for overtime, so I don't know why you looking like that." Skye says and Bria shakes her head.

"Man hurry up and get your stuff so we can go, damn." Bri jokes and Skye scurries out of the room, happy she was getting Bri to leave work early. Well it actually wasn't early, the bell that dismisses everyone goes off at 3:30 and it was currently 4:30 but that was earlier than Bri left on the average day.

It's Thursday, a regular day for Bri except for the fact that she was Skye's chauffeur for the day. Yesterday because Wednesdays are only half day and students get out at 1 Bri did all her extra work once the students left and was able to get dinner with Skye and Taylor. Reagan was too busy having sex but that's not the point. Dinner went smoothly and everything was fine until Skye called Bri at the crack of dawn to explain to her she had left her wallet at the restaurant.

Skye was definitely a chill person but she didn't play when it came to the law. Yes she drove home after dinner with no license but she wasn't going to take that risk today so Bri had to pick her up and they rode to work together. Now they were on a mission to get her wallet back so she could stop pestering Bria while she was trying to do work.

Bri packed up her things and locked up her classroom before walking down the hall, it was perfect timing as Skye was coming out as well. The two walked down the empty halls, down the stairs to the main floor. They spoke to security briefly before going to the main office and clocking out.

With traffic it took them about 30 minutes to get to the restaurant but it was no big deal because they were used to it. When they arrived they pulled into the parking lot. They got out of the car and began walking towards the entrance when they saw a couple people standing outside. Something else that's new is the hostess standing outside.

Hmmm thats weird

*Ding* *Ding* *Ding*

Bria's phone chimes 3 times signaling someone texted her. She digs in her purse and pulls it out to read but stopped when they got face to face with the hostess.

"Hi, so I left my wallet here yesterday. Could you direct me to a manager or lost and found?" Skye asks politely but the hostess shakes her head.

"Sorry but we're closed to the public today, you can come back tomorrow."

"I'm sorry, what? It's 6:14 on a Thursday. How are y'all closed already?"

"We're not closed completely just to the public."

"The fuck does that mean?" Skye asks, getting irritated. "I'm not trying to eat, I'm just trying to get my wallet which has a lot of important stuff in it. Matter of fact, just let me speak to the manager."

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