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Omniscient POV

"So you're not gonna tell me how you got such good seats, cause no offense I know you cannot afford this." Isaiah says smartly and Bri pinches him. "Ow."

"That was a rude way to thank me, you little shit."

"First of all you're right, thank you sis-" he kisses her forehead, "-Second of all you sound like grandad don't ever say that shit again." He says and they laugh because that is exactly who she got it from.

"But seriously is this like an early early birthday present or something cause, we close as fuck." Isaiah says while gawking at the court where the warriors were warming up.

"I have a friend that gave me the tickets."

"Who? What friend?"

"A friend from work, nosy."

"A guy or a woman?"

"Does it matter?"

"Yes cause this could be his way of buttering you up to get with you." Isaiah says with a stank face and Bri laughs.

"Would it be so bad for someone to like me?"

"Yes, I don't wanna think about you with a man, ew." Isaiah says immaturely and Bri rolls her eyes. "You still didn't answer my question."

"Oh my gosh Isaiah, the guy that gave me the tickets only did it because someone close to him got sick and he had to fly back home right after school today." Bri says, lying quickly and perfectly.

"Well I still think he wanna get with you."

"Just enjoy the game, damn." The two laugh as the announcer tells everyone to rise for the national anthem.


"Man, Curry, Thompson, Green, Poole and Divnchinso too raw." Isaiah compliments as the final buzzer goes off signaling the end of the game.

Bri smiled at the mention of Jordan's name because he really did have a great game.

30 points, 6 assists and 4 rebounds to be exact.

Bri thinks to herself as she and Isaiah gather their trash to dispose of. As they walk up the stairs out of the actual arena Bri notices the smile on Isaiah's face and it warms her heart. He'd been to more games than her but he'd never gotten nearly as close as he did tonight, it was going to be something he remembered forever.

They among thousands of other people navigated through Chase Center outside to the parking lot where it always took a very long time to get out of. Bri was planning to take Isaiah home and then go to Jordan's place as she'd promised. She was nervous to say the least but that was her boyfriend now so it was bound to happen.

After fighting to get out of the parking lot it didn't take long for Bri to get Isaiah to his apartment, only about 20 minutes and then they were at their destination.

"You coming up or you going home?"

"Home." She lies, getting butterflies just thinking about staying at Jordan's place.

"Ok well get home safe, text me when you make it inside. Oh and thank you for tonight, I had a great time sis." Isaiah says then pulls her into a hug.

"Aww, my baby, you're welcome." She says and then grabs his cheeks after they pull away making him swat at her hands.

"You always do too much, damn." He pouts and Bri smiles as he gets out.

"Love you B, don't forget to text me." He says and she nods.

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