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Omniscient POV

"Look at you being normal and shit." Taylor comments as she, Bri, Regan and Skye talk over group facetime.

"What are you talking about?" Bri asks.

"You not freaking out the way you were the last few times." Bri rolls her eyes as they start laughing.

"Aye we not gone talk about that. I wasn't used to him or dates so of course I was a little nervous."

"Bitch, you was way past a little."

"Whatever yall exaggerating."

"Says the person that was freaking out about sitting next to the man in silence, like be for real Bri."

"Leave the past in the past why yall always bringing up old shit?"

"Bitch your delulu, it wasn't even that long ago."

"I'm not delusional, I just have moved on to the next chapter of my life."

"Bitch this aint Iyanla fix my life. Now you the one exaggerating." Regan says and they all laugh.

"Alright yall I'm finna finish straightening up and just wait. Wish me luck!."

"Good luckkkkk." Taylor says.

"Have fun!"

"Get some dick bitch." Regan says and Bri sucks her teeth before hanging up.

Letting out a breath she looks around to make sure everything looks good. Today was Saturday and because she knew he was coming over she did a deep clean throughout the week. Mopping all the floors, vacuuming everything and dusting every surface. Don't get me wrong, Bri was no slob and she did deep cleaning every 3 weeks but this time it came a little early because she knew she would be having company over.

As she surveyed her living room and kitchen she took in the smell of her bath & body works wallflower and opened the blinds. The sun spread throughout the room as it was only 3:50 in the afternoon.

Bri decided to get up and check her appearance one last time before pulling out a bunch of snacks and packets of popcorn waiting to be popped. She knew they wouldn't eat all of it especially considering they were going to order food too but she just liked to have options. And she wanted everything to be perfect, she couldn't admit it to herself but she was really starting to like him.

The next 10 minutes passed like 10 seconds and there were knocks sounding at her door.

"COMING." She yelled from her room as she sprayed her last spritz of perfume and grabbed her phone before scurrying towards the door.

She unlocked the door and swung it open revealing him dressed similarly in lounge clothes and his glasses.

Upon their eyes landing on each other, smiles broke out on both of their faces as he walked in the apartment and pulled her into a hug.

His cologne invaded her nostrils and almost made her eyes roll to the back of her head.

Damn he smells good.

"Hi." She mumbles with her face in his chest as they pull away and she closes the door. His hand lingers on her waist so she turns back around and returns the favor wrapping her arms back around his.

"What?" She asks as he looks down on her.

"You look pretty as always." Bri blushes and hides her face in his chest for a second before.

"Thank you, you do too." She says while looking up at him with a toothless smile. "So you ready?" She beams excitedly and he chuckles.

"You act like we about to run a marathon or something." He jokes while taking off his shoes before she pulls him to the couch. Which is when he sees all the unhealthy but delicious snacks on the table. "If we eat all that we're gonna leave here with diabetes."

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