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Jordan quickly reached over and turned his alarm off before looking down at the beauty in his bed. She stirred a little but didn't actually open her eyes. Jordan took this as an opportunity to unwrap his arm from her waist as he quietly climbed out of bed. Immediately feeling the loss of warmth from Bri's body heat.

It was 6:45 AM, practice didn't start until 8 but he still had to give himself some time to be there early. Nobody walked in at 8 o'clock exactly, at that point you were technically late. He showered the night before so he decided not to shower, plus he knew he'd shower again after getting sweaty from practice. He went to the bathroom and it took about 15 minutes to brush his teeth and wash his face. Before going into his walk in closet and putting on some simple sweats. When he finished he walked back to his room to check the time, which read 7:01 and he knew he had to leave. Looking over at Bri who was sound asleep he smiled to himself.

This woman is sleep for real

He walks over to her side and kisses her forehead before grabbing his bag and walking out. It only takes about 20 minutes to get from his place to the practice facility so when he arrived it was approaching 7:30. While walking in the facility he greets the different staff before going into the locker room. Pretty much the whole team was there and already dressing for practice. Jordan greets all his teammates, dapping them up one by one as he makes his way to his locker.


"Yooo." Jordan smiles while dapping up Draymond, whom his locker was right next to.

"The shades at 7 AM are crazy." Draymond jokes and Jordan laughs.

"You know me." Jordan says while popping his imaginary collar and doing a spin, "Nah I'm just fucking with you." He says as they laugh together, "I was tryna hide from the sun, I'm still half asleep."

"Long night?"

Jordan shakes his head while putting his things away and pulling his hoodie over his head, "Nah, I just slept so good I didn't wanna get up."

"I feel that." Gary Paton II also known as GPII co-signs while walking towards his own locker.

"Aye wassup." Jordan turns around to dap him.

"Nothin much." Gary says while dapping up Draymond.

For the next 30 minutes Jordan and the rest of the team spent time socializing and dressing for practice before heading to their first task, film.


"Dang, JP where you rushing off to?" Klay Thompson asks as he witnesses Jordan dapping everyone up to leave. "A couple of us were gonna get some food real quick."

For a slight second he considered it but he knew he had Bri at home waiting for him. Plus, it was still the very early stages of their relationship where they would choose spending time with one another over pretty much everything.

"I got yall next time, I got somebody at home waiting for me." He says causing a couple of his teammates eyebrows to raise.

"Aw shit, you got you a woman now?" Draymond asks, sounding like somebody's uncle. Amongst Draymond, Klay, Stephen and Andre, Jordan was like a little brother to them. And from the years he'd been on the team they'd learned a lot about him including the fact that he'd been single for many many years.

Jordan nods with a smile while laughing at Draymond, "Whatttt?" Klay and Steph say in unison.

"Yall will meet her soon enough." Jordan says, trying to stop the questions before they start because he knew they were coming. "Ight y'all, until tomorrow." Jordan announces to the whole team before leaving out the locker room. Looking down at his phone he saw that it was 11:30 PM. Practice ended 30 minutes ago but his teammates were more than coworkers, they were friends and the locker room was damn near a man cave for them. The locker room was where they bonded organically and got in each other's business.

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