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Omniscient POV

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Omniscient POV


"What you doin here? I thought you had a date." JJ says with a confused face while allowing Jordan in the door.

Walking deeper into the apartment Jordan sees Ralen sitting on the couch with a controller in his hand also giving Jordan a confused look.

"I just canceled." Jordan says after sitting down.

His friends make eye contact with each other before looking back at Jordan who was running a hand over his waves. Ralen decided to be the one to ask the question he and JJ were both thinking. "Just in terms of time or 'just' as if something came up so you just had to cancel."

"Just as in time."

JJ and Ralen were both lost for words because they could not even fathom the idea that he canceled on the first girl he's liked in years to play video games and eat pizza. Which he did with them very often by the way.

"Well what the hell happened?" JJ blurts out, before he gets an idea, "Ohh, did you find something wrong with her?"

"No, I don't know, I just panicked and came here instead."

"Panicked? Nigga what?" Ralen frowns because he and JJ were tired of the guessing games, they needed answers. Canceling last minute is something he would pull if he suddenly didn't feel like having sex with his situationship, not something he would pull on a woman he was just so infatuated with.

"I don't know yall, I was just sitting there and I realized we're getting really serious and Alex just made me realize I might be settling down really soon."

"And you don't want that?" JJ questions.

"Nah it's not that I mean I like her- really really like her but she just seems too perfect and that's weird to me. I've known her for over two months now and I haven't seen a single red flag, what if she's playing me."

JJ's face and nodding confirmed that he understood Jordan's thought process but their more mature friend Ralen was not satisfied with that answer.

"Are you out of your mind?" Ralen asks with his eyebrows raised. "Jordan you just stood up the first woman that hasn't been crazy in years and it's because she's not crazy? Do you hear yourself? You ever heard of self-sabotage?"

"Yeah but that's not what I'm doing." Jordan says defensively while Ralen and JJ give each other another look.

Jordan was a 27 year old man who seemed immature because of how playful he was but nonetheless he was very mature emotionally. He could articulate to himself how he felt and what was bothering him however because he hadn't had a connection with anyone or even thought about being in a relationship for years, he was struggling to get back into that mindset. It was like his heart had been turned off for so long that Bri forcing it back on felt like a set up. Especially considering who he was and what he brought to the table, gold diggers were creative and he could normally see right through them but that wasn't happening with Bri. Yet he couldn't bring himself to believe that she could possibly be the real deal. Now it was just up to his friends to get him to see how ridiculous he sounded

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