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Omniscient POV

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Omniscient POV

"Ezra, do you need to move?" Bria questions a student in her last period.

"Only if it's close to your desk." He flirts and Bri gives him a stale face.

"Not today Ezra, not today." Bri sighs before turning away from him to tend to another student.

Before she knew it the bell was sounding and everyone was rushing to pack up and leave.

"No homework, see y'all tomorrow." Bria calls out as her students bumrush the door.

She begins tidying up the room and humming to herself while thinking about what she needs to accomplish before she can pack up for the day.

Sitting down at her desk she begins to make her checklist and pulls up her first task.

By 4 o'clock she finished grading and sending out emails and was nearly done until she heard her classroom door open.

"You inconsiderate ass hoe." Skye barges in matching her way towards Bria, who was sitting back with an amused expression on her face.

"What?" She asks innocently.

"Don't play with me, you're dodging the questions *gasp* ooooh bitch did you pop that pussy?" Skye asks loudly after realizing something must've happened between her and Jordan.

Now it was Bria's turn to gasp and sit up, "Bitch tell the whole school why don't you?"

"Oh my gosh you did."


"Really?" Skye asks with a disappointed look on her face.


"Why not?"

"You know why not."

"Well did something juicy happen? Anything?"


Opening the passenger side door he offers his hand out which Bria gladly grabs before stepping out of the vehicle.

"Can I walk you up?" He asks and she nods with a smile.

"I would love that." He locks his car as they walk side by side to her building.

It was nothing super fancy so she didn't have a doorman but the building did have security at this time of night, and required either a key fob, a specific code, or someone to buzz you up.

The pair walk through the revolving door and as they walk towards the elevator they both notice the security guard recognize Jordan as his eyes go wide but he recovers quickly.

Bria presses the up arrow and almost immediately the elevator opens, allowing them to enter.

She presses her floor then steps back next to Jordan who was quietly studying her. He knew that he wanted to kiss her; he just wanted to first figure out her body language and if they were on the same page.

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