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Omniscient POV

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Omniscient POV

"So what you got going on baby bro?" Bria asks then takes a sip of her lemonade.

"Oh my gosh stop calling me that." Isaiah says from behind a menu while rolling his eyes.

She could hear the annoyance in his voice while thinking to herself: I bet he rolled his eyes.

Bria is the middle child, she has an older sister named Iyana and younger brother named Isaiah. She loves both of her siblings very much but Isaiah was definitely her favorite. She and Iyana had a rocky relationship but no matter what they loved each other.

"I'm a 22 year old man, not a baby, stop calling me that shit." He says while putting his menu down and she laughs.

"Oh yeah but who's paying for lunch?" She asks smartly and he shakes his head.

"You but only because you offered."

"Yeah because I gotta make sure my baby brother is eating."

"For the love of God- I will get up and leave- say I won't." He dared her with a serious face but she was too busy laughing at how red he was turning.

"Ight fine, I'll stop sit down, you big baby."

He smacks his teeth but sits down, they both knew he wasn't leaving. Bria was his favorite too but she liked to push his buttons with that baby brother phrase very often. He hated it with a passion which is the main reason she did it.

"So what's been going on with you?" He asks after the waitress takes both their orders leaving them to chat while they wait.

"Nothing much, just work and more work." Bria says with a shrug. "How about you?"

"Just waiting for this semester to end." He shrugs and she nods. He was in his 3rd year of college. The plan was for him to take a gap year but that one turned into two. But all that mattered was that he was back in school and on track to graduate.

"I'm surprised you're rushing it, I loved every second of college."

"Yeah that's because you weren't taking hard ass chemistry and biology classes."

"You right." She nods rapidly then laughs.

Isaiah is studying to become a physical therapist so unlike Bria who had a lot of history and education classes he was dealing with science classes.

"Besides, I'm ready to start working and making real money." Isaiah was working part-time at a shoe store to make some money on the side while he went to school but he was ready to start his career. His two gap years were spent working and partying so he was pretty much over the partying that most of his friends still liked to do.

"Just keep working at it, it will be over before you know it and you may look back one day and want to go back."

"Do you ever want to go back?"

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