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Omniscient POV

"Hey little brother." Alex says while embracing Jordan in his doorway.

"Hi Alex." He says with a smile as he closes the door behind her. "And ya know I'm bigger than you right?"

"Whatever, you'll always be my little brother." She says while shrugging him off and walking deeper into his penthouse. "Oooh really clean and smells good, Zee must've been here."

"Aye don't do that." Jordan points and laughs.

"Am I wrong?" She asks.

"All you smell is bleach and cleaning products so don't do too much." Alex laughs because he was right.

"You right." She admits while sitting down on his couch.

Just as Alex had suggested, Jordan's luxury penthouse had just been cleaned by his housekeeper Zee; however he was not a dirty person. He kept his home clean; he just had a housekeeper come over every two to three weeks to do a deep clean.

He grabs his water bottle and ice pack from the freezer before going to sit next to his sister on the couch who was now scrolling through netflix. Jordan and his sister were pretty close. Alex was only about two years older and similarly to Bri and Isaiah she babied her brother whenever she got the chance.

They both attended the same high school and the same college, University of Michigan. From as young as middle school she knew that he wanted to go to the NBA but as they got older she saw how hard he was working towards it and supported him ever since. She was so proud of her little brother and the man he was.

"So what's been going on in your life?" She asks.

"Normal stuff, workouts, basketball, same friends, maybe a woman." He says simply before whispering the last part.

"What you say?" She says with her eyebrows raised, "Did you just say something about a woman?"

He shrugs her off, and says "maybe" before turning up the tv.

With a big kool-aid smile she snatches the remote and turns it back down, "Jordan."

"What?" He says while trying to fight a smile.

"You have a girlfriend? No way-"

"Hey wait a second, she's not my girlfriend, just someone I've been seeing lately."

"And you see a relationship?"

"Maybe." He shrugs and her eyes bulge out of her head.

"What the fuck happened? Just like two months ago you was not into dating and now look at you. She must be something." Alex gushes at the thought of her brother having a girlfriend to take care of him, until she has a second thought. " Wait, is she black?"

Laughing at the Alex's sudden change in attitude, Alex glares at him because the way he was laughing, was giving the woman is not black.

"It's not that funny Jordan." She says with an eye roll as he holds his stomach and his laughter dies down.

"Alex, she's black."

"Oh my gosh little brother you surprise me more and more."

"Hey don't do that, I love black women." He says seriously.

"I know I'm just messing with you. So what is she like? How long have y'all been talking?"

"She's..." He paused for a minute to look for the perfect word to describe her but he couldn't. She was a lot like him when it came to playfulness and humor but then again they were very different from each other. "She's a real woman, that's all I'm going to say."

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