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Omniscient POV

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Omniscient POV

"Ooooh don't you look cute." Skye compliments, as Bria looks in the mirror, putting the final touches on her makeup.

"Thanks, I'm lowkey nervous."

"More nervous than the first one?"

"Absolutely. The first one I thought was just a joke or something."

"I see, but obviously it's not if he asked you out again."

Bria shrugs then takes a step back so Skye could see her complete look. Bria didn't know how to feel, she was definitely shocked but definitely trying not to read too much into the dates.

"Purrrr bad bitch." Skye compliments and Bria smiles.

"It's giving casual, right?"

"Thats what he said?" Bria nods and Skye nods back, "Then yes, its perfect."

After a long night at the club and returning home Bria and Jordan had been texting about their upcoming date. Even though she knew it was just a dinner and movie she had to make sure he wasn't taking her to some fancy restaurant where she would be underdressed. Her outfit consisted of a black sweater, some slightly ripped skinny jeans, her Dr. Martens black boots and black Gucci crossbody. It was currently high 50s in San Francisco so a sweater would keep her warm.

Skye watched as her friend fidgeted with her hair in the mirror, "What time did he say?"

"Uh he said he would pick me up at 6:15, movie starts at 6:45 and then dinner after." Looking at her watch she realized it was 6:10 PM, "So that gives me about five minutes to freak out before he gets here." Skye laughs.

"You said the last date was good, I'm sure this one will be too."

"I'm mostly worried about the movie, not even the dinner."

"Why? You literally don't do anything."

"Exactly but like what if he tries to put his hand on my thigh or put his arm around my shoulder. And even before that, what if- not if but when people notice him and then see me standing there."

"Bria you're overthinking it, just live in the moment."

"I don't like this... at all."

"What? A decent man taking you on a date?"

"Yes! I'm not used to this."

"And yall say I'm the drama queen."

"You're not helping and this isn't dramatic, it's nervousness."

"My only advice to you is to relax, it's obvious he likes you, even if it's just a little, you made it to a second date."

"I guess you're right- AHH" Bria screams, making Skye rip her eyes from her tv to the phone, "He texted, he's outside."

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