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Omniscient POV

*knock knock*

"Come in." Russell's voice announces from the other side of the door. Bri swings it open which forces a smile on his face as he examines the beauty in front of him.

"Ms.Carter, how may I help you?"

"Well actually I'm here to help you." She says before closing the door and entering his office. He was the gym teacher so he didn't have a full classroom to himself, just a small office which he actually preferred.

Bri took a seat in front of him and crossed her legs, he had to fight the urge to check out her smooth legs in the pencil skirt she was wearing. "I got some answers for you, about Jalen."

"I'm listening." Immediately all the sexual thoughts he was fighting were out of the door, his students came first no matter what.

"So I talked to his girlfriend, ya know acting like we having girl talk or whatever and she let it slip that he didn't call her back a couple nights in a row because he was 'in the street'-" She quotes but Russell cuts her off once he realizes something.

"That makes total sense." He says while playing through scenarios in his head.


"His brother... I had Jalen's brother, he graduated like two years ago right before you came but he always comes back up here for Jalen's games. When he was here he was a troublemaker and known for being 'in the streets,' getting into fights, there was even a rumor that he had a gun so his locker was searched and they got even more strict about everyone going through the metal detector."

This was news to Bri, she had no idea Jalen had a brother, it was only her second year here. "So what are you saying?"

"Bri, he has a reputation for heavily being in the streets, selling drugs, threatening people and theres rumors he killed another one of my former students. It's a miracle he's still alive today from what I've heard. But in my opinion it wouldn't make sense for him to want that life for his brother but nothing that kid did made sense to me."

"So our guess is he's possibly encouraging and pushing Jalen into that street life?" Bri asks and Russell nods while staring off into space. This was the worst news he could've gotten right now, Jalen was a natural talent at basketball and an even harder worker. To say he would make it to the NBA would be unrealistic but he definitely had the potential to get a full scholarship to college and then be able to make something of himself with a degree.

"Nooo not my sweet Jalen." Bri pouts and Russell shakes his head.

"We'll figure something out, and I mean maybe it's not what we're thinking, hopefully we're just thinking the worst."

"Hopefully, well that's all my spy tactics got for you, I'll get back to you if I hear something else." She says while standing up and he does the same.

"Thanks Bri." He says as they share a quick hug, but long enough for him to get a whiff of her perfume. She was beautiful and he was just waiting to work up the courage to ask her out. But first he had to figure out her relationship status and what kind of guys she liked. Luckily for him, her best friend was just upstairs with all the answers.

Bri said her goodbyes before exiting his office and making her way back to her own classroom. It was a little after 5, so she was good and ready to go. She was going to stop by her mom's house for food and to see her so she would stop nagging then go home and sleep. She'd been on her feet all day dealing with bad ass teenagers, she needed a break.

She packed up her belongings before walking down three flights of stairs to clock out and exit the building. She was alone today because Skye rushed out right after the bell rang. Bri gets in the car and begins the drive to her mother's house. When she arrives she sees her sister and brother's car in the driveway letting her know she could eat right away since everyone was there.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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