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Omniscient POV

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Omniscient POV

"So date number 3, tell me what we are feeling like?" Jordan asks through the facetime camera.

Her phone was leaning up against the bottom of her laptop screen. As she typed away Jordan was able to watch her eyes move across the screen and the concentration embedded in her eyebrows. They'd been on the phone for almost two hours just chatting about everything when he realized now would be the perfect time to take her out, considering he would be going on the road for the next week.

"Mmmm tonight right?" She asks and watches as he nods and pulls at the hairs on his chin.

This man is so effortlessly fine.

"Let's go Ice skating." She suggests as her eyes light up but he doesn't react or respond, "What you don't like that idea?"

"I mean I don't dislike it, I just don't think I know how to ice skate."

"So what I'm hearing is I get to watch you struggle the way I struggled in mini golf? Yeah, we're going." She confirms and he shakes his head laughing.

"That's not even remotely the same thing." He reasons and she smirks.

"I can teach you, how about that? Even though you didn't give me that courtesy." She adds on and he sucks his teeth.

"Are you really not gonna let that go? It was like a month and a half ago."

"You know what they say, revenge is a dish best served cold." She covers her mouth with a smile, "You see what I did there?"

"Nah I'll give you that one, that was good." He chuckles lightly.

"Do you know how to roller skate, like with 4 wheels?"

"Ehhh I don't think so."

"Ok we don't have to do ice skating, we can do regular roller skating."

"Is that easier?" He asks and she nods rapidly.

"Absolutely, ice skating is just one blade in the middle of your foot, whereas roller skating is 4 wheels, you should definitely learn how to roller skate before you attempt to ice skate."

"So roller skating it is."

"You're lucky I'm a kind person." She jokes and he cracks a smile before looking at the time. "Ok it's 4 o'clock now, if we go before dark maybe we can beat the crowd of people that normally go on Saturday nights. And I'll be able to embarrass myself with less people around." She giggles and nods.

"Okay, how long do I have to get ready?"

"I should be there in like 30 minutes, can you do that?" She nods while shutting her computer and beginning to get ready immediately.

"See you in 30." She says before they say their goodbyes and hang up. Luckily for her she already showered and didn't have to do anything but take her scarf off. So the next 30 minutes she would spend finding an outfit and putting on a little bit of makeup which only consisted of mascara, eye liner, a little eye shadow and her signature lipstick. She decided on a simple hoodie and jeans with her panda dunks to top off the casual look.

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