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Omniscient POV

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Omniscient POV

"Wait so let me get this straight, 3 dates and another one coming up?" JJ questions as he, Ralen and Jordan sit on his couch playing the video game.

"You must really like her huh?" Ralen asks.

"I think so, the only problem is-" Jordan pauses while rapidly pushing a button on the controller, "I can't find anything wrong with her."

"That's a bad thing?" Ralen asks.

"Yeah." JJ answers for him, all three of the men never taking their eyes off the tv.

"How exactly?"

"Because there is something wrong with everybody, if you figure it out early enough you can decide whether or not you want to still deal with that person. If you find out too late, you're screwed."

"Exactly." Jordan cosigns and Ralen nods.

"Honestly, y'all say some pretty dumb shit but that actually made sense."

"So what you gonna do?" JJ questions Jordan and he shrugs his shoulders.

"I don't know, I haven't quite figured that out. Cause I don't want to just come out and ask her, she could lie or distract me with her looks."

"Be for real." JJ jokes but Ralen knew Jordan was being honest. From the moment he met Bri in person at the club and saw the way Jordan whisked her away, he knew Jordan would be whipped in no time.

"I'm so serious."

"Yall aint had sex yet?" JJ asks and Jordan shakes his head no.

"I haven't even been in her place yet, all we've done is kiss but maybe that will change after this next date."

"What is it?"

"She wanted to keep it chill so we're just gonna do a movie marathon at her place."

"It's giving... giving Netflix and chill."

"Period." JJ adds on with the current girly slang and they all laugh.

"Maybe, maybe not, we'll see."

"I'm surprised you aint hit yet to be honest. I mean yall been knowing each other for what? Two months now."

"We met in January, today is the last day of February, so yeah two months. I'm surprised too, I didn't think I would like her as much as I do. But back to the point, how do I figure out if she crazy or not."

Ralen and JJ laughed but Jordan was dead serious. He liked Bri and she was the first woman he liked in a very long time so he wasn't willing to just blindly trust her. Before his feelings got too deep he needed to see if she was who he thought she was.

"Jamie got that boy traumatized." Ralen jokes and JJ doubles over in laughter.

"Yall aint shit and that's a perfect example as to why I gotta know if Bria is another Jamie."

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