Chapter 5 : getting to know you

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"Before you leave, we'll be having a test on Shakespeare quotes in our next class so make sure to study." Informed the English teacher, raising his voice as everyone packed their belongings.

My heart shattering once again as I heard the news, today was just not my day.

As everyone started leaving, I got my bag and made my way over to the teacher. Look, I know I may seem like a teachers pet by trying to get good grades and annoying the staff constantly but I'm only doing this to beat Nick. I'm not, nor will I ever be a teachers pet.

"Sorry, um- Mr Quinn, I was just wondering...will the quotes be chosen at random or are they from a specific chapter?" I asked as he turned to face me.

"Don't be sorry kid, it'll be just the ones we looked over this week." He smiled, excited that someone took more interest in his class.

"Thank you Mr Quinn!" I smiled back politely.

"Goodluck!" He exclaimed as I was about to leave,

"You too!!" I yelped before realising what I said. My face turned cherry red and I quickly left the room. You too?? You too what?! Hes not taking the test - Can I go one day without embarrassing myself?!

I rushed through the crowds of people in the hallway, trying to desperately forget the embarrassing interaction I just had. My head facing the floor as I couldn't bare make eye contact with anyone at that moment.

"Hey!! Simonnn you left me behind!" Molly shrieked, trying to pick up my pace.

"Did you hear that..?" I asked, hoping and praying she hadn't noticed.

"Hear what?" She asked, her face puzzled. I sighed in relief but my relief was short lived.

"Oh wait- do you mean the 'you too'? HAAAAA that was funny!" She snorted, slapping her knee as if it was the funniest thing in the world. My face grew more and more cherry red.

"Ughhh...that was so embarrassing" I squirmed, dropping my shoulders.

"It's nothing, he'll forget about it in a few hours!" She tried to reassure me but I wasn't convinced.

We made our way over to the cafeteria to order lunch and then went outside where Joshua was waiting for me.

"Heya Simon" Joshua waved as we walked up to him.

We sat down on the grass beside him and ate our lunch.

"Hey, did you have fun in business" I smirked, he rolled his eyes.

"He just wouldn't shut up." Joshua groaned before Molly stepped in.

"Are you guys talking about Nick?"

We all looked at each other silently before bursting into laughter.

"Is it that obvious??" I giggled.

"There's nobody in this school that talks as much as Nick Kwon." She snickered as Joshua let out a small chuckle.

"I'm Joshua by the way, we're in the same Irish class?" He took out his hand, greeting himself.

"Oh I know you! I'm Molly, nice to finally meet ya!!" She chirped as she shook his hand.

"I've seen you swimming, you're pretty good." She continued,

"Thank you, I try my best." He smiled.

"Can we see your muscles?" She blurted out of nowhere, remaining completely unbothered by what she just said.

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