chapter 29 : the final talk

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The next day, me and Joshua were getting ready for school per usual meanwhile he told me tales about his valentines date with Cecily. I was quite happy for him but I also felt envious and perhaps a little bit guilty about the whole Nick situation. But I couldn't let that stop me from being a good friend so I listened in.

"Sooo...are you two a thing now?" I smirked while giving him the look. Nan and Lydia gawked at Joshua, curious like cats. "Yeah...we're dating." He smiled trying to keep his composure but I could tell he was buzzing with excitement. The girls and I, squeaked and cheered for him, his face got real red. "Thanks guys" Joshua chuckled before tightening his shoelaces.
"Alright well anyways, eek! Have a good day kiddos!" Nan yelped as the three of us got dressed to leave.
"Bye nan, love you!!"
"Wait- Simon! Come here sweetie, ye two can go ahead." Nan added. I curiously stayed behind, wondering what was up.

"Everything okay Nan?" I asked.
"I should ask you that...I don't mean to snoop, I was just putting away the laundry and I found flowers in your closet." Nan replied causing my face to drop.
"All I want to say is, you should talk to him. That boy Nick really seems to care for you and clearly, you do too." She added with a worried smile but I found it hard to believe her words although, I really wanted to.
"Next time just leave the laundry on my bed." I scoffed before catching up with Lydia and Joshua.


The entire morning I tried to focus on my first class but I couldn't. I kept thinking about what my Nan told me. The letter Nick sent me, the flowers, new years, the locker room...everything was slowly starting to make sense and I only just realised how badly I messed things up. Nanny was right, Nick cared so much for me, he wouldn't do what he did without reasoning. Whatever it was, I needed to talk to him.

The next class was history which we happened to share. I mean, of course I wouldn't talk to him about it in the middle of class but I needed to let him know I want to at least talk again. I rushed early to class and awaited at his desk. He arrived a few minutes after me, looking distressed.
"Hey Nick..." I smiled nervously as I lifted my hand to wave. He looked up at me suprised. Dark circles under his eyes but he tried to keep his composure. "How are you..?" I asked gently as I approached him, I placed my hand on his bicep and traced it down to his hand. He gazed into my eyes, holding back his tears. "Simon, I'm really sorry. Can we please talk?" He finally responded as I gently caressed his hand with my thumb.
"Yeah, I'd like that." I smiled reassuringly before giving him a warm hug. His arms tightly engulfed around me, as if he didn't want to let go.

We agreed to meet up at lunch time to talk things out and gave each other little glances throughout the class. I felt so close to having him back, I almost felt whole again. I missed this.


After my interaction with Nick it was real easy for me to focus again, it was a long yet studious day, lunch time had finally arrived and I had to meet Nick by the schools front gate. I made my way out of the school and there he was, patiently waiting for me at the gates. His face lit up like a candle once he saw me, perhaps he expected me to not show up.
"Hi it okay if I take you somewhere?" He asked before nervously gulping, his hands fidgeting. I simply nodded and I placed my hand over his, reassuring him.

After a few short minutes, we arrived at a park and sat down on an isolated bench. The sun shined down on us. Nick cleared his throat, refusing to look at me. "I'm sorry for not reaching out sooner, I knew you wanted some distance so I didn't bother you. I truly am sorry for not telling you about Molly, it's one of my biggest regrets. I had previously warned her that if she didn't tell you eventually, I would and foolishly I trusted that she'd do it with thought and care. I only ever wanted to protect you. I'm sorry Simon...I'll understand if you don't want to forgive me but just know that I have and always will care for you."

I took a moment for myself to think before responding. "I get that and thank you but you can't deal with everything all by yourself. We're a team, we solve these kinds of problems together...I should have been there for you when the rumours spread but you pushed me out of it. It's unfair on the both of us. You've always been the type to hide away your feelings and build a wall around yourself but I need you to let me in. I can't be constantly guessing whether you're okay or not." I replied as I turned to face him, he still didn't look at me. His expression quickly changed to suprise.

"I'm sorry Simon, you're right. I don't want to lose you, I don't know why I keep pushing you away from me. Perhaps I'm-- I'm.....scared of how strong my feelings are for you. I've never felt so intensly about anyone in my life before and that scares me. I love you Simon." Nick confessed, his breath became unsteady, as did mine. In fact, my heart started racing and my face flushed a warm red. I wasn't expecting him to say it. Say the words I've desperately been hoping for him to say.

"I love you too Nick...I care so much for you, I really do. I don't want to lose you either which is why I forgive you, let's not fight anymore. Please." I sniffled with a nervous smile. My heart still pounding out of my chest.
Suddenly, he turned to face me and looked into my tearful yet happy eyes. "Simon, will you be my boyfriend..?" He asked, gently holding onto my shaky hands. I nodded excitedly before the two of us fell into each others arms. I didn't feel complete, I felt new, reborn. A peace I haven't felt in some time, I've missed this.
Not only had I Nick back but now, he was also my boyfriend.


Lunch was coming to a near end and we started to make our way back. As we walking along the river bank, we held onto each others hands and chatted away, updating each other about our lives. We even planned a date night for Friday, everything just felt so surreal. Nick Kwon, my boyfriend?? I never thought this would have happened.
"Wait, Nick." I paused out of nowhere.
"What about our bet..? Are we still going to do it...??" I asked, genuinely distraught by the question. He looked at me blankly.
"Well, I suppose we could if you're still up for it. However, I'd like to change my prize." He answered making me turn my head.
"Yanno what, maybe I should change mine too. It doesn't serve me any purpose anymore." I replied with a shrug, Nick was right. We've changed so much, our previous plans didn't align with us anymore.
"Honestly, all I really want is the pride of beating you." I continued with a grin, Nick chuckled lightly.
"You're not so big on rewards per usual I see, hah. If I win, I would like to go on a date with you except on this date, we'd do anything I like such as...swimming." He smirked with pride, I playfully rolled my eyes. The both of us laughed.
"Alright, bet." I chuckled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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